What is architecture and examples?

What is architecture and examples?

Architecture is defined as the method of designing and building something into a usable, pleasing form. An example of architecture is the design and construction of the Sears Tower. An example of architecture is the underlying design of a computer program.

How do you define architecture?

Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.

How do you describe architecture?

Architecture can mean: A general term to describe buildings and other physical structures. The art and science of designing buildings and (some) nonbuilding structures. The style of design and method of construction of buildings and other physical structures.

How would you describe a good architecture?

Here are some adjectives for architectural design: hardly standard, complete and symmetrical, symmetrical, strangest, flamboyant, tibetan, harmonious, classical, elegant, superb, complete, magnificent, same, remarkable, antique, weird, beautiful, conscious, new, proper, fine, peculiar, general, bold, noble, bad.

What are some positive words to describe someone?

Let’s now have a look at these adjectives to describe people and their characters with positive vibes:

  • Adaptable.
  • Adventurous.
  • Amarous.
  • diligent.
  • Humble.
  • Courageous.
  • Efficient.
  • Enchanting.

What’s a nice word that starts with an H?

List of Positive Words That Start With H

Happy Healthy Honour
Honourable Heavenly Honey
Harmless High Help
Helpful Heaven Hope
Handy Heedful Heart-warming

What is a positive word that starts with C?

Caring, Cheerful, Charitable, Considerate, Cool, Confidence, Courage, Congratulate, Charming, Constructive, Contribute, Cooperate, Correct, Creative, Courteous, Cute, Celebrate,Can, Calm, Compliment, Cognizant.

What is a positive H word?

Happy, healthy, hope, hero… From greetings such as ‘hi’ and ‘hello’ to positive H words to describe someone such as harmonious, helpful, humor and humble, the letter H is certainly prominent used in the happiest of words.

What’s a six letter word that starts with H?

6-letter words starting with H

Haakes Haases
habits Hables
haboob haceks
hachis hacked
hackee hacker

What is a 7 letter word that starts with H?

7-letter words starting with H

Haarlem Habacuc
hackled hackler
hackles hacklet
hackman hackmen
hackney hacksaw

What is a five letter word that starts with H?

5-letter words starting with H

haafs Haans
hairs hairy
haith Haiti
hajes hajis
hajji hakam

What is a 4 letter word that starts with H?

4-letter words starting with H

haaf haar
halt Hama
hame Hami
hams hand
hang hank

What is a noun that starts with H?

50 Nouns Starting With H

Noun Definition
heaven the place where god lives; a wonderful feeling
heel the part of the foot on the opposite end of the toes, under the ankle
height the distance from the bottom to the top of something
hell a place of great suffering where sinners go

What is a noun that starts with G?

50 Nouns Starting With G

Noun Definition Synonym
grace poise and elegance eloquence, beauty, style
grade a way of rating the quality, worth, rank, or order of things score, mark
graduate someone who completed a school program alum, alumni, grad
grain a tiny, hard seed from a cereal grass seed, cereal, maize

What foods start with an H?

41 Foods That Start With The Letter H

  • Haddock. Haddock is a popular cold-water whitefish and a relative to cod though it is sweeter to taste and has a fine texture.
  • Hake. Hake is a lean whitefish that is very low in fat.
  • Hakusai Cabbage.
  • Halibut.
  • Halloumi.
  • Hami Melon.
  • Hare.
  • Haricot Beans.

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