What is the opposite of dependent?

What is the opposite of dependent?

Antonyms: unaddicted, unconditional, unconditioned. Synonyms: pendent, drug-addicted, restricted, subordinate, qualified, strung-out, subject, dependent, certified, pendant, hooked. dependent, dependant, drug-addicted, hooked, strung-out(adj)

What word means partially dependent?

fractionally, halfway, incompletely, in part, moderately, not wholly, partly, piecemeal, somewhat, to a certain extent or degree.

What is difference between dependent and Dependant?

The difference between dependent and dependant is merely a matter of preferred spelling. “Dependent” is the dominant form in American English for both the noun and adjective, while in British English, “dependant” is more common for the noun.

What is the meaning of dependent?

a person who depends on or needs someone or something for aid, support, favor, etc. a child, spouse, parent, or certain other relative to whom one contributes all or a major amount of necessary financial support: She listed two dependents on her income-tax form. Archaic.

Is being dependent a bad thing?

Close bonds soothe our brains, and may even protect us from pain. Healthy dependence is having a secure bond with your partner. It is being emotionally available, emotionally engaged and emotionally responsive, Hendricks said. This doesn’t mean that you never fight, and it doesn’t mean you’re always happy

What is the root word of dependent?

as “contingent, related to some condition;” from Old French dependant, present-participle adjective from dependre “to hang down,” from Latin dependere “to hang from, hang down; be dependent on, be derived,” from de “from, down” (see de-) + pendere “to hang, cause to hang; weigh” (from PIE root *(s)pen- “to draw.

Do I count myself as a dependent?

No, you claim yourself as the taxpayer. You are not technically your own dependent. When you file your return, you just indicate that you are not a qualifying dependent of someone else (unless you are), and you automatically get your personal exemption

Is a child a dependent?

Generally, a child is the qualifying child of the custodial parent and the custodial parent may claim the child as a dependent. The noncustodial parent cannot claim the child as a qualifying child for head of household status or the earned income tax credit.

Is your wife a dependent?

You do not claim a spouse as a dependent. When you are married and living together, you can only file a tax return as either Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing Separately. You would want to file as MFJ even if one spouse has little or no income

Can I claim my unemployed girlfriend as a dependent?

You can claim a boyfriend or girlfriend as a dependent on your federal income taxes if that person meets the IRS definition of a “qualifying relative.”

Can I claim my wife as a dependent if she is not a US citizen?

You cannot claim your spouse who lives overseas as a dependent, but you can claim other people who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or U.S. residents, or residents of Canada or Mexico. The qualifying person must meet all the rules or Head of Household status is unavailable.

Can I claim my girlfriend as a dependent if she doesn’t work?

First, your significant other cannot be claimed as a dependent if they are eligible to be claimed as a dependent on another tax return. Whether your boyfriend or girlfriend is being claimed is irrelevant, it’s the eligibility that matters. So, if your significant other’s parents could claim him or her, you cannot

Can I claim my sister as a dependent?

The IRS says you can claim children as dependents as long as they meet the following requirements: The child must be related to you. For example, your son or daughter, stepson or stepdaughter, brother or sister, stepbrother or stepsister, nephew or niece, or grandchild can be considered a dependent

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