What is another word for annul?

What is another word for annul?

Some common synonyms of annul are abrogate, invalidate, negate, and nullify.

How do you use the word annul in a sentence?

Annul in a Sentence ?

  1. After the actress tied the knot with a stranger in Mexico, she was persuaded by her manager to annul the marriage.
  2. The results of the homecoming election were so controversial the principal decided to annul the count and have a new vote.

What is the opposite of theocracy?

The opposite of theocracy is secularism, or the complete separation of religion from government.

What’s the meaning of annulment?

1 : the act of annulling something : the state of being annulled. 2 : a judicial or ecclesiastical pronouncement declaring a marriage invalid.

What is Anull?

verb (used with object), an·nulled, an·nul·ling. (especially of laws or other established rules, usages, etc.) to make void or null; abolish; cancel; invalidate: to annul a marriage.

How do you spell annulled?

Correct spelling for the English word “Annulled” is [ɐnˈʌld], [ɐnˈʌld], [ɐ_n_ˈʌ_l_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….5 words made out of letters ANNULLED

  1. allude,
  2. duenna,
  3. unlade.

How much does it cost for an annulment?

The filing fee is $98.00 (as at 1 July 2020). get a date for your application to be heard from the court registry staff. This may be on the same day or on another day.

Is annulled a word?

v.t. -nulled, -nul•ling. 1. to make or declare void or null; invalidate: to annul a marriage. 2. to abolish; cancel: Joy annulled our cares.

What does declare invalid mean?

That will declare it invalid and officially cancel the whole deal. Annul, which means “to cancel” or “to invalidate,” is usually used in the context of politics or marriage. When you annul a marriage, you are officially declaring it invalid, as if it never happened.

What is the opposite of a democratic leader?

Autocratic leadership

Where are theocracies used today?

Contemporary examples of theocracies include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Vatican. See also church and state; sacred kingship.

How do you use the word theocracy in a sentence?

Theocracy in a Sentence ?

  1. In theocracy, the rulers of a country make laws based on religious ideas.
  2. The mayor is such a religious man he runs the small town like a theocracy and insists all community activities begin with a prayer.

What countries are theocracy?

Theocracy Countries 2021

  • Vatican City.
  • Yemen.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Sudan.
  • Iran.
  • Mauritania.
  • Afghanistan.

How do you use pharaoh in a sentence?

Pharaoh sentence example

  1. He was the greatest Pharaoh in the New Empire, if not in all Egyptian history.
  2. Egypt was the vast estate of Pharaoh , and the vizier was the steward of it.

What does Pharaoh literally mean?

great house

What is an example of Pharaoh?

The definition of a Pharaoh was the king in ancient Egypt. An Ancient Egyptian King such as King Tut is an example of the Pharaoh.

Who was the female pharaoh?


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