How do you laugh attractively?

How do you laugh attractively?


  1. Don’t try too hard to change your laugh.
  2. Choose a natural laugh and keep it normal.
  3. Have someone around to judge your laugh.
  4. Try many laughs and find which one you like and other people like don’t or try not to make it sound fake find your natural nice laugh.

How do you laugh in French?

French: hahaha, héhéhé, hihihi, hohoho; also MDR It also, like many non-English languages, uses the universalized “LOL” to indicate laugher. But French also has a more delightful acronym: The French equivalent of LOL is MDR, which means “mort de rire,” or “dying of laughter.”

Why do Thai people laugh 555?

55555- Thai people pronounce the number five as “haa” so it sounds like “ha”. So a Thai person typing “555” is the translation of the “ha ha ha” e-laughter. However as the number five in Mandarin is pronounced as wu – the Thai laughter in Chinese becomes “wuwuwu” which is the equivalent of “boohoo” or crying in China.

How do you say hehe in French?

Merci d’avance !

How do you laugh in Thai?

How the World Laughs on the Web

  1. English – “hahaha”, “LOL”
  2. Spanish – “jajaja”
  3. Arabic – “ههههه” (“hhhhh” – Arabic doesn’t write short vowels, so that could be read as “hahahahaha”)
  4. Thai – “55555” (“5” in Thai is pronounced “ha”)
  5. French – “hahaha”, “héhéhé”
  6. Russian – “хахаха” (“hahaha”), “бгггггг” (“bgggg”), “гггггг” (“gggggg”), “олололо” (“olololo”)

What does ? mean in texting from a guy?

The Smirk Face ? The Smirk Emoji is actually similar to the Angel Face Emoji. It is a good sign of flirting and playful teasing. When a guy uses the smirk emoji, it probably means there is a hidden meaning in his message. Look for sarcasm and mischief in his text.

What does Okie stand for?

such a worker from Oklahoma

Does Okie mean OK?

Okie dokie means “ok”, okay, or fine. It’s just a slang version of saying ok, as in “I’m going to the store, ok?” “Dokie” by itself does not mean anything at all. You would never use it except as part of “okie dokie”.

Where did the term Okie Dokie come from?


Variation Where used/Origins
Okie dokie This slang term was popularized in the film “The Little Rascals” (Oki doki). The phrase can be extended further, e.g. “Okie dokie (aka) pokie / smokie / artichokie / karaoke / lokie,” etc.
ô-kê Used in Vietnam; okey also used, but ok more commonly.

Where does the term Okie come from?

“Okie”, in the most general sense, refers to a resident, native, or cultural descendant of Oklahoma, equating to Oklahoman. It is derived from the name of the state, similar to Arkie for a native of Arkansas.

Why did Dust Bowl refugees go to California?

Migration Out of the Plains during the Depression. During the Dust Bowl years, the weather destroyed nearly all the crops farmers tried to grow on the Great Plains. Many once-proud farmers packed up their families and moved to California hoping to find work as day laborers on huge farms.

How did Okies get to California?

“Okies,” as Californians labeled them, were refugee farm families from the Southern Plains who migrated to California in the 1930s to escape the ruin of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl years on the Southern Plains also had economic origins.

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