Did they really kill Bellamy?

Did they really kill Bellamy?

In season 7, episode 13 titled “Blood Giant,” Bellamy was shot by Clarke after he refused to hand over Clarke’s adopted daughter Madi’s notebook of drawings of the future, which he believed would help build a better world.

Is Clarke in love with Bellamy?

While the show is only loosely based on the books and has now far surpassed any territory explored in the source material, it bears mentioning that Bellamy and Clarke do have a romantic relationship in the books on which the show is based. They eventually get engaged, and it’s implied they build a home in the woods.

Why is Bellamy not in season 7?

Bellamy missed much of The 100 Season 7 after the actor who played him took some time off, explaining why his character spent much of the season captured before coming back to bring his character’s story to an end.

Is Octavia in the 100 pregnant?

They never had a kid Octavia was never pregnant. If you google the 100 there’s a clip of her telling Lincoln she’s pregnant, then they show the baby, then they leave it behind for her brother to take care of.

Is Octavia alive in Season 7?

In Season Seven, Octavia has been sent through the Anomaly by Hope at the behest of the Disciples while Hope, Echo and Gabriel Santiago try to rescue her and Bellamy. During this time, Octavia is discovered to have lived a forgotten life on the other side of the Anomaly with Hope and Diyoza.

Why did hope stab Octavia in the 100?

As it turns out, O and Diyoza have been taken by a kind of warrior/cult leader named Bardo, who’s sending followers who aren’t devout enough to “Three Rings” to recondition them. Hope stabbed Octavia to “tag” her, so that she’d be pulled through to the other side of the anomaly.

How does Octavia die on the 100?

Octavia disappeared into thin air after she was stabbed by an adult version of Hope Diyoza (Shelby Flannery) who emerged as the Anomaly was activated. While fans will have to wait and see what’s happened to Octavia, there are hints that she could have perished.

Does Octavia kill Luna?

Octavia runs off hiding from the painful black rain while Roan and Luna are battling. Roan struggles to fight Luna and he is defeated by Luna who drowns him in a puddle of black rain. As Octavia witnesses the death of Roan, she knows that she is the next one and she hides into a safe area.

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