What is the formula of Universe?

What is the formula of Universe?

The Friedmann equation which models the expanding universe has a parameter k called the curvature parameter which is indicative of the rate of expansion and whether or not that expansion rate is increasing or decreasing. It indicates the future fate of the universe.

What is Omega Lambda?

ΩΛ (Omega sub Lambda) In a flat universe, ΩΛ is the fraction of the energy of the universe due to the cosmological constant, i.e., what we would intuitively call the fraction of the universe that is made up of dark energy.

Is matter constant in the universe?

According to the law of conservation of matter the total amount of matter in the universe is constant. It can neither be created or destroyed.

Is dark energy density constant?

As space expands, the dark energy density remains constant, rather than decreasing or increasing. As a result, after the Universe has expanded for long enough, dark energy comes to dominate the energy budget of the Universe.

Is dark energy infinite?

As the Universe expands, matter gets less dense (as volume increases), radiation gets both less dense (as volume increases) and less energetic (as light redshifts), but dark energy’s energy density always remains constant.

Is dark energy stronger than gravity?

The density of Dark Energy is not very high. In a place with lots of matter, the attractive forces of gravity are greater than the repulsive forces of dark energy. In mostly matter empty space, the repulsive forces of dark energy are much larger than the attractive forces of gravity.

Can you destroy matter with antimatter?

What makes antimatter unique is that when antimatter comes in contact with its regular matter counterpart, they mutually destroy each other and all of their mass is converted to energy. This matter-antimatter mutual annihilation has been observed many times and is a well-established principle.

Why Does antimatter exist?

Antiparticles are created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place. Antimatter may exist in relatively large amounts in far-away galaxies due to cosmic inflation in the primordial time of the universe.

Where is antimatter made?


Does all matter have antimatter?

The Big Bang should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the early universe. But today, everything we see from the smallest life forms on Earth to the largest stellar objects is made almost entirely of matter. Comparatively, there is not much antimatter to be found.

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