What does the word alienated mean?

What does the word alienated mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to cause to be estranged : to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper. Her position on this issue has alienated many former supporters.

What estrangement means?

1 : to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in (someone) where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness : alienate John’s excesses gradually estranged him from his mother …— Philip Norman She became estranged from her family.

What does it mean to have an estranged wife?

formal. : a wife who no longer lives with her husband.

How do you use estranged in a sentence?

  1. The argument estranged him from his brother.
  2. His behavior estranged him from his brother.
  3. Their quarrel estranged the two friends.
  4. He has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife.
  5. She is attempting to contact her estranged husband to break the news.

What does estranged sister mean?

The definition of estranged is separated or in a distant relationship. An example of estranged used as an adjective is in the phrase an “estranged sibling” which means a sibling that someone hasn’t spoken to in a long time.

What does the word unencumbered mean as it is used in the sentence?

When you’re unencumbered, you’re free of baggage: either you literally don’t have a lot of stuff to carry, or you’re emotionally care-free. In both senses being unencumbered means you feel light: either literally or emotionally.

What is the difference between encumbered and unencumbered?

As adjectives the difference between unencumbered and encumbered. is that unencumbered is not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities while encumbered is weighted down, loaded sufficiently to make slow.

Which type of conflict is most difficult to resolve?

Approach-avoidance conflict

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