What is the word for something that is bound to happen?

What is the word for something that is bound to happen?

If something is inevitable, it will definitely happen, like death or tax season. Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what scheme you come up with to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

What’s the meaning of irreversible?

incapable of being reversed

What is bound in law?

to impose legal obligations or duties upon a person or party to an agreement. These words are applied to the contract entered into, between a master and an apprentice the latter is said to be bound. 2.

What is the opposite meaning of Bound?

Antonyms: untied, unchained, looseleaf, free, unoriented, uncertain, unsworn, unbound, unfettered, unshackled, untethered, untreated, unconstipated, liberated, regular. Synonyms: saltation, edge, bounce, spring, bounds, limit, leaping, leap, boundary.

What is the opposite of boundless?

“unbounded enthusiasm”; “children with boundless energy”; “a limitless supply of money” Antonyms: finite. Synonyms: measureless, unbounded, limitless, illimitable, unlimited.

What is the opposite of temperamental?

Antonyms: reliable, unemotional, dependable. Synonyms: dark, sullen, moody, morose, dour, erratic, sour, glowering, saturnine, glum. erratic, temperamental(adj)

What is another word for temperament?

Some common synonyms of temperament are character, disposition, personality, and temper.

Can objects be temperamental?

The adjective temperamental can also be used to describe objects that behave unpredictably. A temperamental air conditioner can make for a long, hot summer. Fortunately, you’re not temperamental or you might have smashed it to bits by now.

What’s the meaning of temperamental?

temperamental adjective (PERSON) A temperamental person is someone whose mood often changes very suddenly: Be careful how you approach her – she’s very temperamental. caused by your own character and feelings: There are temperamental similarities between the brothers.

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