Is uniter a word?

Is uniter a word?

Agent noun of unite; one who unites.

Is unify a word?

: to bring or come together into or as if into a single unit or group : unite The people were unified by a common belief.

What is a unifying effect?

You and your brothers and sisters might not have much in common, but find that watching TV together is a unifying force in your lives: it brings you all together. If a country unites in grief over a lost leader, that leader’s death could be said to have a unifying effect on the nation.

What does dazzling mean?

: brilliantly or showily bright, colorful, or impressive dazzling lights a dazzling display of talent a dazzling achievement/performance a dazzling smile.

What’s another word for ridiculous?

SYNONYMS FOR ridiculous 1 nonsensical, ludicrous, funny, droll, comical, farcical.

What is the root word of ridiculous?

The adjective ridiculous comes from the Latin word ridere, which means “to laugh,” but it’s also related to the word ridicule, which means to mock in a cruel way.

Is the word ridiculous offensive?

“Ridiculous” is as bad as “this made me laugh,” and for the same reason. Any word that is no more than an insult should be avoided, please. Please watch any use of “made me laugh” or “ridiculous,” not just on this list, but in ANY conversation with your children, your friends, relatives, strangers…

How do you use ridiculous?

It was ridiculous to stand here, trying to match wits with such a polished salesman. It was ridiculous – sending him into town after such personal items when she was perfectly capable of going by herself. It was ridiculous to be suspicious of him. It was as ridiculous as it was embarrassing.

What does Redonkulous mean?

A word I have been hearing the last year or two is “redonkulous,” (or alternatively “redonkulus”), which the Urban Dictionary defines as “significantly more absurd than ridiculous, to an almost impossible degree.”

What is absurd and ridiculous?

Absurd, ridiculous, preposterous all mean inconsistent with reason or common sense. Absurd means utterly opposed to truth or reason: an absurd claim. Ridiculous implies that something is fit only to be laughed at, perhaps contemptuously: a ridiculous suggestion.

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