Who proved Pythagorean Theorem?

Who proved Pythagorean Theorem?


What is Lemma in plants?

Lemma is a phytomorphological term referring to a part of the spikelet. It is the lowermost of two chaff-like bracts enclosing the grass floret. It often bears a long bristle called an awn, and may be similar in form to the glumes—chaffy bracts at the base of each spikelet.

What is a bract of grass?

In grasses, each floret (flower) is enclosed in a pair of papery bracts, called the lemma (lower bract) and palea (upper bract), while each spikelet (group of florets) has a further pair of bracts at its base called glumes. These bracts form the chaff removed from cereal grain during threshing and winnowing.

What are called Glumes?

In botany, a glume is a bract (leaf-like structure) below a spikelet in the inflorescence (flower cluster) of grasses (Poaceae) or the flowers of sedges (Cyperaceae). Glumes may be similar in form to the lemmas, the bracts at the base of each floret.

What is spathe?

bract is known as a spathe. A catkin (or ament) is a spike in which all the flowers are of only one sex, either staminate or carpellate. The catkin is usually pendulous, and the petals and sepals are reduced to aid in wind pollination when the inflorescence as a whole…

What is a spadix flower?

Spadix: A thick, fleshy spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers, often surrounded by a vase-shaped or funnel-like modified leaf or spathe which is often brightly colored. The male flowers are typically clustered above the female flowers on an erect, phallus-like spike.

Where do anthuriums come from?

General common names include anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower, and laceleaf. The genus is native to the Americas, where it is distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina and parts of the Caribbean.

What is a spathe and spadix?

A Spathe & Spadix is a type of inflorescence found in the Araceae (Arum or Philodendron family). It consists of a large spathe, which is simply a large, leaf-like bract, sometimes brightly colored to attract pollinators.

What is bract in flower?

Bract, Modified, usually small, leaflike structure often positioned beneath a flower or inflorescence. What are often taken to be the petals of flowers are sometimes bracts—for example, the large, colourful bracts of poinsettias or the showy white or pink bracts of dogwood blossoms.

What is a cyme flower?

A cyme is a flat-topped inflorescence in which the central flowers open first, followed by the peripheral flowers, as in the onion (genus Allium).

Why do small flowers grow inflorescence?

In this type of inflorescence, the main axis continues to grow. It does not terminate in a flower and gives off flowers laterally in an acropetal manner (where old flowers are arranged lower side and young flowers are on the upper side).

What is a single flower called?

The stalk supporting a single flower is called a pedicel, that supporting an inflorescence, or an isolated flower, a peduncle. Anther: The pollen-bearing body of the stamen, usually relatively compact, and supported at the end of the narrow filament.

Which flower has a head inflorescence?


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