How do you write a good exploratory essay?

How do you write a good exploratory essay?

Elements of an Exploratory Paper

  1. Clearly and concisely define and describe the problem and the argument (the introduction)
  2. Analyze the issue, including relevant texts, readers, author, etc (Body 1)
  3. Identify and summarize no fewer than three key positions on the problem (Body 2)

What makes a good exploratory question?

Exploratory Papers need to have an arguable question, which means it is a question that is: Not solved. Not a fact you could easily check the answer to. Something people have different views about (try to find at least three).

What is an exploratory writing?

An exploratory essay is a short work of nonfiction in which a writer works through a problem or examines an idea or experience, without necessarily attempting to back up a claim or support a thesis.

What is a good exploratory essay topic?

The following are some examples of good exploratory essay topics:

  • Family life.
  • Technology.
  • Business.
  • Health or wellbeing.
  • Sports.
  • Religion.
  • Culture.
  • Politics.

What is the purpose of exploratory writing?

Students do exploratory writing in order to focus their ideas, investigate questions, and/or examine course concepts. As opposed to writing to demonstrate what has been learned, exploratory writing is an example of writing to learn and is not typically graded.

How do you start an exploratory essay?

How to start an exploratory essay?

  1. Mention all the issues you want to write about so that the reader can determine whether this topic is attractive to them.
  2. Include an enticing statement which will persuade the reader to proceed with reading.
  3. Outline the purpose of the essay.

What is exploratory research example?

The following are some examples for studies with exploratory research design in business studies: A study into the role of social networking sites as an effective marketing communication channel. An investigation into the ways of improvement of quality of customer services within hospitality sector in London.

How do you end an exploratory essay?

Conclusion. The conclusion should return to your introduction, restating the problem you explored, outlining some of its possible causes, and question whether or not you have answered the problem. It might be that you still have unanswered questions relating to the problem, and that is fine.

Can you use first person in an exploratory essay?

Formal exploratory essays. Such an assignment asks students to pose a problem and then to write a narrative of their own thought processes in trying to think through the problem. Write a first-person, chronologically organized account of your thinking process as you explore possible solutions to a question or problem.

How do you write an exploratory thesis?

A thesis should succinctly summarize the main point or theme of the exploratory essay. While exploring an issue in your essay, use the thesis to clarify why this issue should be of importance to the reader. In most other types of essay, the thesis will outline your main point or strongest argument.

How do you write a good introductory sentence?


  1. Attract the Reader’s Attention. Begin your introduction with a “hook” that grabs your reader’s attention and introduces the general topic.
  2. State Your Focused Topic. After your “hook”, write a sentence or two about the specific focus of your paper.
  3. State your Thesis. Finally, include your thesis statement.

How do you introduce yourself in a paragraph?

These steps will help you write an effective self-introduction:

  1. Summarize your professional standing. The first sentence of your self-introduction should include your name and job title or experience.
  2. Elaborate on your experiences and achievements.
  3. Conclude with a lead-in to the next part of the conversation.

Is also a transition word?

Agreement / Addition / Similarity The transition words like also, in addition, and, likewise, add information, reinforce ideas, and express agreement with preceding material.

What are the major types of qualitative research?

A popular and helpful categorization separate qualitative methods into five groups: ethnography, narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory, and case study. John Creswell outlines these five methods in Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative?

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Quantitative methods allow you to test a hypothesis by systematically collecting and analyzing data, while qualitative methods allow you to explore ideas and experiences in depth.

What questions do qualitative researchers address?

First, qualitative research questions often ask about lived experience, personal experience, understanding, meaning, and stories. These keywords indicate that you will be using qualitative methods. Second, qualitative research questions may be more general and less specific.

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