Is Re followed by a colon?

Is Re followed by a colon?

Re is a Latin word meaning about or concerning. It isn’t an abbreviation. It isn’t actually an abbreviation, it is a word! So you can use it just as if you were using ‘regarding’ or ‘about’ – if you would use a colon in the context where you wrote regarding, then use a colon after re.

Should a colon be followed by a capital letter?

A colon is nearly always preceded by a complete sentence; what follows the colon may or may not be a complete sentence, and it may be a mere list or even a single word. A colon is not normally followed by a capital letter in British usage, though American usage often prefers to use a capital.

Did I use a colon correctly?

The hard and fast rule is that a colon must ALWAYS follow a complete sentence. Do not use a colon after a sentence fragment, ever. A colon is used after a full sentence or independent clause to introduce something that illustrates, clarifies, or amplifies what was said in the sentence that preceded the colon.

Should I use a colon or semicolon?

Semicolons should introduce evidence or a reason for the preceding statement; for example, this sentence appropriately uses a semicolon. A colon, on the other hand, should be used for a stronger, more direct relationship. It should provide emphasis, an example, or an explanation.

When should I use a colon?


  1. To announce, introduce, or direct attention to a list, a noun or noun phrase, a quotation, or an example/explanation. You can use a colon to draw attention to many things in your writing.
  2. To join sentences.
  3. To express time, in titles, and as part of other writing conventions.

Why use a colon instead of a comma?

Rule: Also use the semicolon when you already have commas within a sentence for smaller separations, and you need the semicolon to show bigger separations. Rule: A colon is used to introduce a second sentence that clarifies the first sentence.

Why do we use semicolons?

A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank.

Can you use a colon for a list of two things?

Use a colon to introduce an item or list, if the list comes after a complete sentence or independent clause. For example: There are three things every dog needs: food, water and healthcare. You need to grab these three things for the laundry: laundry detergent, fabric softener and dryer sheets.

Should you use a colon before a list?

Colons with Lists. Use a colon before a list when the list is preceded by a complete independent clause. Never use a colon to separate a preposition from its objects or a verb from its complements. Some form of the word follow usually indicates a colon before the list.

Can you end a paragraph with a colon?

Typically, a colon appears to end a paragraph if it’s introducing a block quotation or a list (which actually continues the paragraph as a logical matter despite the change in typesetting). Your first sentence is a good introductory sentence and should just start the paragraph where you tell the milk-crate story.

How many spaces should you have after a colon?

two spaces

What Does a colon look like in writing?

The colon : is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots placed one above the other on the same vertical line. A colon often precedes an explanation, a list, a quotation, or a block quotation.

How do you introduce a quote with a colon?

You can use a colon before a quotation when the quotation is at least one sentence. Having a quotation that is a full sentence (or more) is far more common than having an introduction that is an independent clause. For example: The minister said: “The next time I stand up here, I will have answers to these questions.”

Can you use a comma instead of a colon?

A colon can introduce a list. If the list is only two items long, a comma might be used instead, but a colon is clearer and better; there is no advantage to using a comma instead. (This is the case in the examples in the question.) A colon can be used to introduce a quotation.

Can you put a quote after a semicolon?

Semicolon Comes Outside The semicolon should be placed outside ending quotation marks. When the quoted matter ends with a semicolon, the semicolon in the quotation is dropped: The agency reviewed those petitions that were “timely”; it ignored those that were late.

Is a colon used to emphasize the speaker of a sentence?

A colon is used to give emphasis, present dialogue, introduce lists or text, and clarify composition titles. Emphasis—Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. The words on either side of the colon should be able to stand on their own.

How do you use a colon semicolon and dash?

  1. Semicolons. Use a semicolon to separate two related independent clauses (clauses that can stand as sentences on their own) that are not linked by a comma and coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, yet, and so).
  2. Colons. Use a colon to introduce a list.
  3. Dashes. A dash is typed as two hyphens.

What is the effect of a colon?

Colons. A colon introduces an element or series of elements that illustrates or amplifies the information that preceded the colon. While a semicolon normally joins two independent clauses to signal a close connection between them, a colon does the job of directing you to the information following it.

What is a colon body part?

Listen to pronunciation. (KOH-lun) The longest part of the large intestine (a tube-like organ connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other). The colon removes water and some nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food.

Where is your colon located in your body?

The colon is about 5 feet long and circles the abdomen up the right side, across, and down the left side. It then descends into the lowest part of the colon, or the rectum. The rectum connects to the anus, which is the opening from which stools leave the body. The colon contracts as it moves digested food and waste.

What effect does a colon have on the reader?

The colon can also be used to introduce a grammatically independent sentence. Thus, I call it the most powerful of punctuation marks. The colon is like a sign on the highway, announcing that something important is coming. It acts as an arrow pointing forward, telling you to read on for important information.

Can a semicolon replace Because?

Colon or semicolon when because is omitted from a sentence e.g., Alternatively, because can be replaced by for, which is a coordinating conjunction and would correctly be punctuated with a semicolon.

Does my semicolon make sense?

Use a semicolon between two complete clauses that are not joined by a conjunction. A semicolon is useful when two complete clauses feel too closely linked to separate into two different sentences.

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