What should you do if you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19?

What should you do if you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19?

When an individual has suspected or confirmed COVID-19, notify public health authorities and request any necessary assistance with medical isolation, evaluation, and clinical care, and contact tracing and quarantine of close contacts.

Who should I contact with drug-related questions concerning COVID-19?

If you have additional questions, call the FDA’s Division of Drug Information at (855) 543-3784 or email us at [email protected].

What does it mean to be unable to work, including telework for COVID-19 related reasons?

You are unable to work if your employer has work for you and one of the COVID-19 qualifying reasons set forth in the FFCRA prevents you from being able to perform that work, either under normal circumstances at your normal worksite or by means of telework.

If you and your employer agree that you will work your normal number of hours, but outside of your normally scheduled hours (for instance early in the morning or late at night), then you are able to work and leave is not necessary unless a COVID-19 qualifying reason prevents you from working that schedule.

How to stay active during the COVID-19 quarantine?


Can I get COVID-19 from eating fresh food?

There is currently no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from food, including fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet and their consumption should be encouraged.

Are canned vegetables good alternatives to eat during COVID-19 quarantine?

Although fresh or frozen vegetables are normally the preferred option, canned vegetables such as mushrooms, spinach, peas, tomatoes and green beans are good alternatives with a longer shelf life, to ensure a sufficient intake of vegetables. Remember to choose, when possible, options with low or no added salt.

Is it safe to go to grocery stores during the COVID-19 pandemic and what precautions should I take?

Yes, it is generally safe to go grocery shopping and to markets by following the below prevention measures:• Clean your hands with sanitizer before entering the store.• Cover a cough or sneeze in your bent elbow or tissue.• Maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, and if you can’t maintain this distance, wear a mask (many stores now require a mask).• Once home, wash your hands thoroughly and also after handling and storing your purchased products. There is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 transmitted through food or food packaging.

Do smokers have higher risks for COVID-19?

Are food workers required to wear gloves during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How long should I wash my hands during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Thorough hand hygiene after any cough or sneeze is required. The WHO also recommends that individuals wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the toilet or when hands are visibly dirty, before eating and after blowing one’s nose.

How should I properly put on face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time.Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin. When you take off a mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, and every day either wash it if it’s a fabric mask, or dispose of a medical mask in a trash bin. Don’t use masks with valves.

What is the main route of transmission of COVID-19 virus?

The virus is transmitted mainly via the respiratory route, when people inhale droplets and particles that infected people release as they breathe, talk, cough, sneeze or sing. The closer people interact, and the longer they interact, the more likely they are to transmit COVID-19, but infection can occur over longer distances, particularly indoors.

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