Who accused Socrates of corrupting the youth?

Who accused Socrates of corrupting the youth?

The Apology of Socrates begins with Socrates addressing the jury of perhaps 500 Athenian men to ask if they have been persuaded by the Orators Lycon, Anytus, and Meletus, who have accused Socrates of corrupting the young people of the city and impiety against the pantheon of Athens.

What did Socrates claim to have with the Sophists?

gods, and according to Socrates, being a curious person. What reasons does Socrates provide to make this claim? Socrates says that he does not have any wisdom and the Sophists claim to have wisdom. Socrates says that the first accusers are more dangerous because he cannot question them regarding their lies.

Who are the new accusers of Socrates?

The “New accusers” of Socrates: Meletus (poet), Lycon (orator), & Anytus (craftsman/politician).

Who are the Sophists in the apology?

In the case of the Apology, we have seven main “characters” implied in the “action”: 1) Socrates, of course. 2) The jury, 501 adult male property-owning native-born citizens of Athens. 3) Aristophanes, the comic playwright who had lampooned Socrates in the Clouds, a popular comedy, as a double-talking charlatan.

How did Socrates prove his innocence?

Socrates then went to court and did what he could to refute the charges that were brought against him. Socrates vindicates his innocence by stating that the many have heard what he has taught in public and that many of those that he taught were present in the court that day.

What are Socrates arguments in his own defense?

Socrates argues that he is innocent of both charges. His defense is ultimately unsuccessful, and he is convicted and sentenced to death. Socrates concludes the Apology by arguing that a just man should have no fear of death.

What does it mean to make the worse argument the stronger?

In these terms the claim that someone “makes the weaker argument defeat the. stronger” asserts that the accused speaks in terms and forms quite different from. those familiar within the tradition, and yet somehow compels assent. All of. Plato’s early dialogues proclaim that this was true of Socrates I.

Why does Socrates not make a stronger attempt to save his life when he makes his speech at his trial?

Insofar as the charge against Socrates was that he did not believe in the gods recognized by the state, there can be no question about his being guilty. In making his defense, Socrates did not attempt to prove that he was innocent of the charge of disbelief in the Athenian gods.

What does Socrates mean when he said the unexamined life is not worth living?

Socrates was considered by many to be the wisest man in ancient Greece, his spoken words are still listened to and followed today. Meaning of – An unexamined life is not worth living. Through this statement, Socrates means that an unexamined human life is deprived of the meaning and purpose of existence.

Does Socrates claim to be wise?

Socrates was aware of his own ignorance; he did not think he was wise. This therefore shows that because they all claimed they were wise this made them not so wise, whereas Socrates never claimed to be wise as he was conscious of his own ignorance about higher matters; thus he had a type of wisdom.

Why is Socrates considered the smartest of all?

Socrates was considered a wise man because he knew that he did not know anything. The oracle of Delphi, a wise old woman, told Socrates’s friend that there was no one wiser than Socrates. “What made Socrates so wise was that he kept asking questions and he was always willing to debate his ideas.

What does Socrates mean when he said that a wise person knows his her own ignorance?

The Awareness of One’s Own Intellectual Limitations Socratic wisdom refers to Socrates’ understanding of the limits of his knowledge in that he only knows that which he knows and makes no assumption of knowing anything more or less.

What is the advantage of a person who knows what he does not know over to a person who does not know what he knows?

Answer: The advantage between two is that the person who knows what he/she does not know was seeking for a knowledge while the other one is simply ignorant , or he/she might thinking high of his/herself that he/she doesn’t need of any knowledge anymore .

What did Socrates say about ignorance?

Socrates concluded that he was better off than his fellow citizens because, while they thought they knew something and did not, he was aware of his own ignorance. The god who speaks through the oracle, he says, is truly wise, whereas human wisdom is worth little or nothing (Apology 23a).

What is the difference between a person who knows what he does not know?

“The wise man is one who, knows, what he does not know.”

Is a wise person one who knows everything?

NO, it is NOT true that a wise person is the one who knows everything? A wise person in one who knows how best to use knowledge for the well-being of the world. More importantly a wise person has values and visions that serve the welfare of others.

Who said a wise man knows what he doesn’t know?

Quote by Lao Tzu

What is the meaning of I know that I don’t know?

1 —used to say that one does not have the information someone is asking for “What time does the library close?” “I don’t know.” 2 informal —used to express disagreement, doubt, or uncertainty “I don’t like that guy.” “Oh, I don’t know, he’s not really so bad.”She thinks we should go now, but I don’t know.

What that means LMAO?

LMAO — “laughing my ass off” LOL — “laughing out loud”, or “lots of laughs” (a reply to something amusing)

What does AFK mean in?

away from keyboard

What does it mean when a girl says I don’t know?

If she says you don’t know , that means, she desperately wants you to know something . She wants to reveal something to you . She may be in dire need of you . But still ,if you act immature she will get annoyed and starts to say you will not undersatnd .

What does Heyyyy mean from a girl?

The two ingredients to create the best possible friendzoning friendship are communication, and simply being yourself. “Hey” means “friends,” “heyy” means they think they like you, “heyyy” means “take the hint already,” “heyyyy” means “dtf,” and “heyyyyy” means they are drunk.

When a girl says I don’t know when you ask her out?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a girl says ‘IDK’ when you ask her out? It most likely means that she doesn’t know you well enough to be able to decide if she likes you in *that* way or not. Attraction is not always immediate in some people.

How do you respond when a girl says she’s seeing someone?

You can respond with something like: “Woah, calm down there. Well when you aked her out and she says she seeing someone else. Then, you should break out with — ” well Yea i understand that you might be seeing someone …

What to say if a girl says I don’t know you?

You may say, I am so and so and I saw you in _______place and wanted to be friends with you. Please have a coffee with me and at the end if you do not want to meet me again, it’s fine and I won’t bother you again. If she says yes, you will have a wonderful opportunity to impress her. Good Luck!

What to answer when a girl says Do I know you?

It hard to say without knowing the context which the statement was made. If you are at a party, that can be a pretty standard comment if someone wants to start a conversation with you. A reasonable reply would be, “No, I don’t think so. My name is ……

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