Which of the following is are primary principles of the strengths perspective?
One of the primary underlying principles of a strengths perspective is that every environment is full of resources. Consciousness-raising is defined as the process of facilitating people’s understanding of a social issue, with personal implications when there was little grasp of that issue before.
Which of the following is the act of treating people differently based on the social group they belong to?
Racism is prejudice and discrimination against an individual based solely on one’s membership in a specific racial group (such as toward African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, European Americans).
What are the two dimensions of resiliency?
Define resilience, including the two dimensions, risk’s, and protection. Resiliency is the ability of an individual, family, group, community or organization to recover from adversity and resume functioning even when suffering serious trouble, confusion or hardship.
What is the Triple A approach social work?
What does The Triple A approach to critical thinking stand for? the perspective that is people’s own fault if they need outside help. The idea that social welfare benefits should only be given when people fail to provide for themselves. views that people’s needs are a normal part of life.
What is the Triple A approach?
For years, I’ve seen an easy reminder of how to manage stress floating around. I’m not sure who first came up with it, but it’s plain and simple: “Triple A.” This stands for Avoid, Alter and Accept — three approaches we can take when faced with things that tax us.
What is the mission of social work?
The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.
Who is an ethical person?
For someone who is honest and follows good moral standards, use the adjective ethical. Ethical comes from the Greek ethos “moral character” and describes a person or behavior as right in the moral sense – truthful, fair, and honest.
Why I must be an ethical person?
We need to be ethical because it defines who we are individually and as a society. These are norms of behavior that everyone should follow. However, an ethical person must be willing – at least sometimes – to place the interests of others ahead of self-interest, because of our responsibility to a civil society.
Should you kill one to save five?
The claim that it is wrong to use the death of one to save five runs into a problem with variants like this: As before, a trolley is hurtling down a track towards five people and you can divert it onto a secondary track.
Is there an answer to the trolley problem?
No Solution, No Problem Like most philosophical problems, the Trolley Problem is not designed to have a solution.
What the Trolley Problem says about you?
In the Trolley Problem, a train is hurtling down the tracks towards five men stuck in its path. The utilitarian answer is that the moral decision is to sacrifice the heavyweight man, because you’d still be killing one to save five.
What is the Trolley Problem an example of?
The trolley problem is a question of human morality, and an example of a philosophical view called consequentialism. This view says that morality is defined by the consequences of an action, and that the consequences are all that matter.
What would a Deontologist do in the Trolley Problem?
Deontological theory was born from the famous philosopher, Immanuel Kant. In deontology, one rule is chosen that becomes the universal law. The ends never justify the means. In the case of the trolley problem, this would mean that the conductor must choose one metric for fairness that they never break.