What were two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese faced?

What were two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese faced?

What are two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese republic faced? Marxism and foreign imperialism. Warlord rule and nationalism. Warlord rule and foreign imperialism.

What caused many people in the middle class to oppose Díaz’s dictatorship and support a political revolution?

What caused many people in the urban middle class to oppose Díaz’s dictatorship and support a political revolution? The correct answer is B. They wanted a democratic government.

What was the main response of the middle class to the challenges of city living quizlet?

The middle class largely responded to the challenges of the city by physically escaping it. A new type of community, the suburbs, developed in outlying areas connected to urban centers. The movements of people are often explained in terms of push and pull factors.

What was the main response of the middle class to the challenges of living?

The affluent middle class gradually began to ‘escape’ to the Suburbs. These were farther from the center of the city, with less crime, more green space and was thought of a better place to bring up a family. This also gave rise to daily communing and a suburban culture that still thrives in the United States.

Which of the following was the most compelling reason for people to leave rural farms for?

Money was the most compelling reason for people to leave raw farms for dangerous difficult work in industrial cities. Explanation: The people living in the rural farms earlier used to quit working in the raw farms and would move out to the urban areas and the cities for working in the industries.

What were the benefits to working-class urban dwellers?

Working-class residents also found relief in the diverse and omnipresent offerings of popular culture and entertainment in and around cities. These offerings provided an immediate escape from the squalor and difficulties of everyday life.

What were two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese faced?

What were two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese faced?

What are two obstacles to progress that the fledgling Chinese republic faced? Marxism and foreign imperialism. Warlord rule and nationalism. Warlord rule and foreign imperialism.

What caused many people in the middle class to oppose Díaz’s dictatorship and support a political revolution?

What caused many people in the urban middle class to oppose Díaz’s dictatorship and support a political revolution? The correct answer is B. They wanted a democratic government.

What was the main response of the middle class to the challenges of city living quizlet?

The middle class largely responded to the challenges of the city by physically escaping it. A new type of community, the suburbs, developed in outlying areas connected to urban centers. The movements of people are often explained in terms of push and pull factors.

What was the main response of the middle class to the challenges of living?

The affluent middle class gradually began to ‘escape’ to the Suburbs. These were farther from the center of the city, with less crime, more green space and was thought of a better place to bring up a family. This also gave rise to daily communing and a suburban culture that still thrives in the United States.

What community types was enjoyed mainly by middle class people?

Which of the following community types was enjoyed mainly by middle-class people? Suburban.

What forms of entertainment did city dwellers enjoy?

What leisure activities did city dwellers enjoy? Entertainment such as museums, orchestra, art galleries, theaters, circuses, parks, zoos, gardens, and sports.

Which of the following was the most compelling reason for people to leave rural farms for?

Money was the most compelling reason for people to leave raw farms for dangerous difficult work in industrial cities. Explanation: The people living in the rural farms earlier used to quit working in the raw farms and would move out to the urban areas and the cities for working in the industries.

What were the benefits to working-class urban dwellers?

Working-class residents also found relief in the diverse and omnipresent offerings of popular culture and entertainment in and around cities. These offerings provided an immediate escape from the squalor and difficulties of everyday life.

What problems did the working class face in urban areas solutions?

Living conditions for most working-class urban dwellers were atrocious. They lived in crowded tenement houses and cramped apartments with terrible ventilation and substandard plumbing and sanitation. As a result, disease ran rampant, with typhoid and cholera common.

How did Settlement Houses help to address the problems of urbanization?

Settlement home designed as a welfare agency for needy families. It provided social and educational opportunities for working class people in the neighborhood as well as improving some of the conditions caused by poverty.

How did urbanization impact America?

One important result of industrialization and immigration was the growth of cities, a process known as urbanization. Commonly, factories were located near urban areas. These businesses attracted immigrants and people moving from rural areas who were looking for employment. Cities grew at a rapid rate as a result.

What problems did urbanization cause?

Some of the major health problems resulting from urbanization include poor nutrition, pollution-related health conditions and communicable diseases, poor sanitation and housing conditions, and related health conditions.

What were the factors that influenced rapid urbanization?

Causes of urbanization include:

  • Industrial Growth: The explosion of industrialization and manufacturing enterprises within a certain urban area gives rise to more employment opportunities — which is another factor of urbanization.
  • Employment: Rural areas commonly are agricultural.

What are two positive effects of urbanization?

Some of the positive implications of urbanization, therefore, include the creation of employment opportunities, technological and infrastructural advancements, improved transportation and communication, quality educational and medical facilities, and improved standards of living.

Why is urbanization a good thing?

Urban living offers many benefits to residents including more job opportunities and higher incomes, and to businesses including lower input costs, greater collaboration and innovation opportunities.

Is urban growth good for society?

Finally, the higher standard of living associated with urbanization provides people with better food, education, housing, and health care. Urban growth generates revenues that fund infrastructure projects, reducing congestion and improving public health.

Why urbanization is good for the economy?

Trade and commerce: Urbanization advances the country’s business sectors by providing more jobs and a more diverse economy. Commercialization and trade offers town and cities better business opportunities and returns compared to rural areas.

What are the economic impacts of Urbanisation in China?

Urban growth results from both rural-urban migration and natural increase from births in the cities exceeding deaths. Urbanisation is part of economic development which is rapidly increasing in China. This results in rising per capita incomes and demand for non-agricultural goods.

What are the social impacts of Urbanisation in China?

Urbanisation has led to changes in patterns of human activity, diet, and social structures in China, with profound implications for non-communicable diseases—eg, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

What are the environmental impacts of Urbanisation in China?

With China’s fast urbanization, serious problems emerged related to overcrowding, air and water pollution and environmental degradation [6]. In 2006, China became the world’s largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter [7] and continues to contribute to raising CO2 emissions.

How does China benefit from Urbanisation?

An increase of 1 percentage point in China’s degree of urbanisation means 14 million more people become urban residents. An increase from 56.1% to 60% will mean growth in markets for household appliances, furniture, decorations, and in services such as restaurants.

What led to health concerns in China?

China’s environmental problems, including outdoor and indoor air pollution, water shortages and pollution, desertification, and soil pollution, have become more pronounced and are subjecting Chinese residents to significant health risks.

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