What role and responsibility do media have in a democratic society?

What role and responsibility do media have in a democratic society?

Media has given political parties the tools to reach large numbers of people and can inform them on key issues ranging from policies to elections. In theory, media should be seen as an enabler for democracy, having better-educated voters would lead to a more legitimate government.

What can you do to protect yourself from social media abuse?

Monitor your privacy settings and carefully review the privacy policy of your social networks to make sure they don’t disclose information you meant to be private. Be selective about people you connect with on social media and only share posts with friends and known connections.

Can you report social media harassment?

Yes, you can, and you should report cyber harassment if you feel that you’re in immediate danger. According to the Pew Research Center, online harassment can have serious consequences, from fear for one’s safety to mental issues. You shouldn’t wait to experience any of these before you turn to the police for help.

How can you protect yourself from social media exploitation?

These 5 tips will help you to protect yourself on social media….Stay Safe on Social Media With Strong Passwords and Secure Accounts

  1. Use a unique mix of letters, numbers, and signs.
  2. Have at least 10 characters.
  3. Change your password every 6 months.

How can you protect yourself from harassment?

But there are some steps we can take to protect ourselves physically against any potential attacks.

  1. Carry a backpack.
  2. Strategic positioning.
  3. Use your arms as shields.
  4. Plug your ears.
  5. Use physical objects for protection.
  6. Aim your camera at them.
  7. Digital tools against sexual harassment.

Can you defend yourself from harassment?

Depending on the type of harassment taking place, you may opt to defend yourself by filing a grievance with your manager or human resources department, or if severe, talking with an employment law professional about your rights.

How can you protect yourself from being influenced by messages in social media?

10 ways to protect yourself on social media

  1. Be aware of what’s public.
  2. Check your privacy settings.
  3. Don’t accept friend requests from strangers.
  4. Be careful when you check-in or share your location.
  5. Review your tags.
  6. Don’t share personal information online.
  7. Don’t share anything you don’t want your grandma to see.
  8. Be aware of phishing scams.

How can we prevent the abuse and misuse of media and information?

manage employees use of email, the internet or Social Media – where use is excessive, inappropriate and/or leads to loss of productivity. protect your business against liability for employees actions on Social Media sites. monitor employees use of social networks without infringing their privacy.

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