Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment?

Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment?

Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment? It focuses more on rote learning than on meaningful learning. It undermines students’ performance goals.

Which one of the following classroom assessment instrument is most likely to have high reliability?

A multiple-choice test that has a large number of questions, each of which is worth one point is a classroom assessment instrument that is most likely to have high reliability.

Which of the following is a major obstacle to the effective use of portfolios?

What is a major obstacle to the effective use of portfolios? Portfolios take considerable time and resources. Many hours are needed to design the portfolios and scoring criteria, and many more hours will be spent reviewing, scoring and conferencing with student and parents.

What is the major rationale for the use of authentic assessment rather than traditional assessment to determine what students have learned?

Authentic assessment measures are easier to score and therefore more practical. of the various topics that have been studied in class. the task is clear-cut and the reward is tangible.

What does authentic assessment look like?

Authentic assessment is the measurement of “intellectual accomplishments that are worthwhile, significant, and meaningful,” as contrasted with multiple-choice tests. Examples of authentic assessment categories include: performance of the skills, or demonstrating use of a particular knowledge. simulations and role plays.

What is the difference between authentic and traditional assessment?

Traditional assessment follows selecting a response from learners whereas authentic assessment engages learners to perform a task on the basis of the item they are informed. Traditional assessment is contrived but authentic is in real-life. Authentic assessment serves as an alternative to conventional assessment.

What are the similarities and differences of traditional and authentic assessment?

Traditional testing relies on multiple choice, true/false, and free responses to answer given questions. Another method that can be combined with traditional testing or used alone is authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is a way of testing that can gauge how students apply knowledge to real-world situations.

How do you use assessment inside the classroom?

To use assessments to improve instruction and student learning, teachers need to change their approach to assessments in three important ways.

  1. Make Assessments Useful. For Students.
  2. Follow Assessments with Corrective Instruction.
  3. Give Second Chances to Demonstrate Success.
  4. Similar Situations.
  5. The Benefits of Assessment.

What is the advantage of authentic assessment?

Authentic assessment helps students see themselves as active participants, who are working on a task of relevance, rather than passive recipients of obscure facts. It helps teachers by encouraging them to reflect on the relevance of what they teach and provides results that are useful for improving instruction.

What are the disadvantages of authentic assessment?

Traditional vs. Authentic Assessment

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Easy to score; Teachers can evaluate students more quickly and easily. Harder to evaluate

Which could be seen in a rubric?

A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students’ work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. It should be clear from the definition that rubrics have two major aspects: coherent sets of criteria and descriptions of levels of performance for these criteria.

How do teachers use authentic assessment on students?

Educators define authentic assessment as an approach to measure student performance in a direct, relevant way to see if the learning objectives were met. Educators might use projects such as reports, journals, speeches, videos and interviews with the students to measure their understanding of the subject material.

What is the tools of alternative assessment?

Alternative assessment tools: According to Simonson and others, there are three approaches in alternative assessment: Authentic assessment, performance-based assessment, and constructivist assessment.

What is Alternative Assessment and its example?

In other words, an alternative assessment measures applied proficiency more than it measures knowledge. Typical examples of alternative assessments include portfolios, project work, and other activities requiring some type of rubric.

What are the different types of authentic assessment?

Authentic assessment can include many of the following:

  • Observation.
  • Essays.
  • Interviews.
  • Performance tasks.
  • Exhibitions and demonstrations.
  • Portfolios.
  • Journals.
  • Teacher-created tests.

Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment?

Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment?

Which one of the following is a legitimate concern about the use of performance assessment? It focuses more on rote learning than on meaningful learning. It undermines students’ performance goals.

Which one of the following performance tasks best reflects extended performance?

Which one of the following performance tasks best reflects extended performance? Collecting and analyzing data about the frequency of violent crimes in one’s community.

Which one of the following classroom assessment instruments is most likely to have high reliability?

A multiple-choice test that has a large number of questions, each of which is worth one point is a classroom assessment instrument that is most likely to have high reliability.

Which of the following students clearly has a performance goal rather than a mastery goal?


Which one of the following is the best example of extrinsic motivation?

Being paid to do a job is an example of extrinsic motivation. You may enjoy spending your day doing something other than work, but you’re motivated to go to work because you need a paycheck to pay your bills. In this example, you’re extrinsically motivated by the ability to afford your daily expenses.

Why do the authors suggest that teachers use discussion scoring guides quizlet?

Why do the authors suggest that teachers use discussion scoring guides? Teachers use this scoring guide to assess their students’ current discussion abilities and, just as important, to help plan instruction.

What is the primary advantage of word processing over paper-and-pencil composition group of answer choices?

What is the primary advantage of word processing over paper-and-pencil composition? When instruction is high in quality, the information presented makes sense to students, interests them and: is easy to remember and apply.

What is the primary advantage of word processing over paper-and-pencil composition?

What is the primary advantage of word processing over paper-and-pencil composition? Students write more and take greater pride in their writing.

What is meant by the Social Studies goal of civic competence?

The aim of social studies is the promotion of civic competence—the knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic dispositions required of students to be active and engaged participants in public life.

What are the 10 themes of social studies?

The ten themes are:

  • 1 CULTURE.

What are the 4 parts of social studies?

Build critical-thinking skills and deepen content-area knowledge across the four strands of social studies: history, civics, geography, and economics.

What are the 5 components of social studies?

5 Components of Social Studies

  • Geography.
  • History.
  • Culture and Society.
  • Civics and Government.
  • Economics.

What are the five importance of social studies?

Helps Students To Become Better Citizens: Subjects in Social Studies like Economics, Political Science and History educate students on Political Ideologies, Constitutional Laws, Citizenship, Rights and Duties, Morals and Virtues, Social Code of Conduct, thus making children aware of their roles and responsibilities …

What are the different fields in social studies?

Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, and Sociology are some of the most common subjects in the social sciences.

What are the 7 branches of social science?

The major social sciences are Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology.

What is the most important branch of social science?

Education is one of the most important social sciences, exploring how people learn and develop. Social anthropology is the study of how human societies and social structures are organised and understood.

What are the 3 branches of social science?

Social science, any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behaviour in its social and cultural aspects. Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics.

Why do we need to know the branches of social science?

It is important because its study helps us to gain knowledge of the society we live in. Generally, Social Science focus on the relationships among individuals in society. It is the mixture of many subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Social Psychology and many more.

What is the importance of social science in our life?

Thus, social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world—how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability, and promote democracy. These challenges, for many people around the world, are immediate, and their resolution can make a vast difference in people’s lives.

What are the importance of branches?

Familiarity through existing relationships, referrals, and reputation is very powerful when it comes to deciding where to purchase financial products and services. Convenient Access to branches remains key for consumers and small business owners for selecting with whom they bank.

What is social studies and why is it important?

The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world (National Council for the Social Studies [NCSS], 2019).

What are the four key goals of social studies?

  • 1 Growing Civic-Minded Citizens. Civic ideals and practices are main themes in social studies content, according to the NCSS.
  • 2 Creating Cultural Competence.
  • 3 Generating Geography and Globe Knowledge.
  • 4 Understanding Economics, Production and Comsumption.

What are the goals and objectives of social studies education?

Social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to become competent and responsible citizens who are informed, thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic virtues.

Why is it important to teach social studies?

The purpose of elementary school social studies is to enable students to understand, participate in, and make informed decisions about their world. It provides them with skills for productive problem solving and decision making as well as for assessing issues and making thoughtful value judgments.

What is the most important role of the social studies teacher?

Social studies teachers help pupils learn about history, geography, politics, economics, and culture. They typically integrate current events into their lessons and also facilitate healthy debates and engaging classroom discussions.

What makes social studies teaching and learning powerful?

Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging, and active. Meaningful learning activities emphasize authentic activities and assessment tasks.

What are the qualities of social studies teacher?

Successful work of a social science teacher requires the professional knowledge and skills, critical thinking, aim for professional competence development and the following personal teacher qualities: communication skills, creative skills, fast orientation, thoroughness, honesty, diligence, personal responsibility.

What is an effective social studies teacher?

Behaviors and characteristics of effective social studies teachers include: (1) they all have high (sometimes extremely high) expectations for their students; (2) they all stress depth rather than coverage of the course content; (3) they all are able to explain things clearly to their students; (4) they all are good …

What do you think are the 3 most important qualities of a good social studies teacher?

They are real-life, real world evidence of the essential characteristics of a good teacher—content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and positive dispositions.

What are qualities of a good teacher?

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

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