How is Desdemona naive?

How is Desdemona naive?

Desdemona is extremely naïve, but we can believe that she has been faithful and has never thought of straying from her husband. When Desdemona says “Dost thou in conscience think-tell me Emilia-that there be woman do abuse their husbands in such gross kind?”(4.3. 1020). This is very naïve of her.

How does Othello learn that Desdemona was innocent?

Othello claims his innocence because of what Desdemona said but then claims she has gone to hell because she had lied and he confesses that he killed her. Othello explains that he knew of Desdemona’s adultery through Iago but Emilia is incredulous of this and contemptuously calls him a murderer and her husband a liar.

Is Desdemona guilty?

She had made herself guilty of deception, of a gross breach of her duty towards him, unless, as flashes upon him, she has been the victim of witchcraft.

What kind of person is Desdemona?

Her beauty, loyalty, grace and innocence are her most important traits. She is good and kind hearted and from a noble family but lacks the penetrating wit of Portia. Compared to Portia, Desdemona seems passive, meek and submissive. Her innocence is her primary weakness that leads her to death.

Why does Desdemona say she killed herself?

Trapped by Iago, Othello comes to believe that his wife is unfaithful to him. He thinks he must kill her to prevent her further adultery. At her death Desdemona tells a lie that she had killed herself. Her lie is a lie of love and sheds light on the whole story, making it noble and dignified.

What were Desdemona last words?

Desdemona is at times a submissive character, most notably in her willingness to take credit for her own murder. In response to Emilia’s question, “O, who hath done this deed?” Desdemona’s final words are, “Nobody, I myself. Farewell. / Commend me to my kind lord.

What did Othello hope Desdemona would do right before he kills her?

What are some things Othello considers in his soliloquy before he kills Desdemona? He hopes for her to repent her sin (the alleged affair with Cassio). He hopes if she does this, her soul can go to heaven instead of hell. “I will not kill thy unprepared spirit.”

Why does Othello ask Desdemona if she is prayed?

Why Othello ask Desdemona if she has prayed? Because he won’t kill her without her being cleansed, she needs to confess her sins. She fully realizes her husbands involvement when Othello tells Emilia that Iago had told him that Cassio had slept with Desdemona, and he said that he knew everything.

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