Which reinforcement schedule is defined as reinforcing a behavior after an unpredictable number of responses?

Which reinforcement schedule is defined as reinforcing a behavior after an unpredictable number of responses?

Variable-ratio schedules occur when a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate of responding. Gambling and lottery games are good examples of a reward based on a variable ratio schedule.

Which reinforcement schedule reinforces a response?

(Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.) in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed. variable-interval schedule. in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals.

What is the most effective partial reinforcement schedule?

In a variable ratio reinforcement schedule, the number of responses needed for a reward varies. This is the most powerful partial reinforcement schedule. An example of the variable ratio reinforcement schedule is gambling.

What effect does partial reinforcement have on speed and potential for extinction of a learned response?

Different partial reinforcement schedules will have differing effects of extinction, but in general, partial reinforcement will lead to greater resistance to extinction than continuous reinforcement.

What is the difference between continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement?

A continuous schedule of reinforcement (CR) in an operant conditioning procedure results in the acquisition of associative learning and the formation of long-term memory. A 50 % partial reinforcement (PR) schedule does not result in learning. A CR/PR schedule results in a longer-lasting memory than a PR/CR schedule.

What is adventitious reinforcement?

Adventitious reinforcement – behaviour that is “accidently” followed by a reinforcer may be increased even if it did not actually produce the reinforcer.

What is adventitious reinforcement example?

Adventitious reinforcement refers to when a behavior is accidentally followed by a reinforcer and is strengthened even though that behavior did not actually produce the reinforcer. o Example: A child drawing on the walls in his bedroom with crayons when his parent calls him to get ice cream.

How are positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement similar and different?

For positive reinforcement, think of it as adding something positive in order to increase a response. For negative reinforcement, think of it as taking something negative away in order to increase a response.

How are positive and negative reinforcement similar and different quizlet?

Positive and negative reinforcement are similar in that both lead to an increase in responding; they differ in that positive reinforcement involves contingent stimulus presentation, whereas negative reinforcement involves contingent stimulus termination.

Which of the following is an example of escape contingency?

A contingency in which performing a specific behavior stops and ongoing event. For example, a child dropping unto the floor followed by the child crying stop the event of the child having to enter the classroom.

What are the 4 types of contingencies?

The four contingencies are positive and negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.

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