What has been the major effect of recent newsroom cutbacks in the political sphere?

What has been the major effect of recent newsroom cutbacks in the political sphere?

What has been the major effect of recent newsroom cutbacks in the political sphere? Campaign reporters have largely acted as megaphones rather than investigators.

What was a political effect of agenda setting by the media in 2008 and 2009 with relation to the financial crisis?

What was a political effect of agenda-setting by the media in 2008 and 2009 with relation to the financial crisis? When the news was dominated by only three networks and a handful of national papers, the news sources tend to be more_____ than they are today.

What has social media affected political campaigns quizlet?

It is most people’s only source of information on the issues and candidates. Why has social media affected political campaigns? They use the media to share their ideas and to sell their political messages and ideas to voters.

What information is published in the Congressional Record quizlet?

The Journal contains the minutes, the official record, of the daily proceedings in the House or Senate. The Congressional Record is a voluminious account of the daily proceedings in each House.

Which of these are forms of mass media quizlet?

These are forms of communication which reach a lot of people at one time: radio, television, CD Rom, DVD, films, newspapers, computer games, music, advertising and packaging for products. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and books.

Which of these best describes mass media?

Media that is widely broadcast or distributed best describes mass media.

What are the two traditional types of mass media?

Refers to forms of communication that reach large audiences. There are two types of mass media: Traditional and New. Include newspapers, magazine, television, books, radio and cinema. This is ‘digital’ media or any form of media that is available electronically.

What are the 5 major elements of mass media?

Five major elements of the mass media are especially significant in American politics today: television, the Internet, newspapers, radio, and magazines. The mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience.

What are the elements of mass media?

There are mainly following elements of mass communication:

  • Large audience as compared to any other form of communication.
  • There is no differentiation in the composition of the audience.
  • Message reproduction of similar form.
  • Rapid distribution and delivery.
  • Cost to the customers per unit is very low.

What is the best example of new media element?

New Media is considered:

  • Internet Search.
  • Social Media.
  • E-mail.
  • Direct Mail.
  • Telemarketing.
  • Direct-response, a message transmitted through traditional media communications that requires the reader, viewer, listener or customer to respond directly to the organization (E.g. The Home Shopping Network)

What are the tools and elements of media?

The Five Multimedia ElementsEdit. Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements.

What is the elements of successful mass communication?

The four basic elements of mass communication are the sender, the receiver, the medium, and feedback. The sender is the company or organization that…

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