What two forms of government are based on a relationship between their legislative and executive agencies?

What two forms of government are based on a relationship between their legislative and executive agencies?

Governments are also classified based on the relationship between their legislative and executive agencies. From this standpoint, two basic structures exist: presidential and parliamentary.

How is power distributed in the US federal system quizlet?

In a federal government, power is distributed between state and national levels maintained in three different parts: enumerated powers belonging only to national government, reserved powers belonging to state levels, and concurrent powers where power is shared between both parts.

Who holds the ultimate political power in a democracy?

One individual or small group holds all the power,and the state is not responsible for carrying out the people’s will. Ultimate power rests with the people who live in the state. People rule the government. They follow the principle of popular sovereignty.

Who holds the supreme power in a democracy?

A form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people. A representative democracy is one where the people choose representatives to vote on legislation. A representative democracy in which the peoples elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

Who does the supreme authority rest with in a dictatorship?

Supreme authority rest with the people. (every state) has supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can decide its own foreign and domestic policies.

Which form of government does the supreme authority rest with the people?


How can the state be defined?

1) A body of people that is politically organized, especially one that occupies a clearly defined territory and is sovereign. 2) The political system that governs such a body of people. 3) One of the constituent parts of a nation, as in any of the 50 states.

What is the degree to which the people accept the authority of the government?

In political science, legitimacy is the right and acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or a regime. Whereas authority denotes a specific position in an established government, the term legitimacy denotes a system of government—wherein government denotes “sphere of influence”.

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