What is the best example of cultural conflict in this excerpt?

What is the best example of cultural conflict in this excerpt?

The example of cultural conflict is the debate over abortion and also the ethnic cleansing.

What is the best example of cultural conflict in the excerpt Elenita?

the correct answer is option c. elenita versus “early puerto rican decor” is the best example, out of all the options, of a cultural conflict.

Which statement best describes the intended aesthetic impact of this excerpt seeing the way she held onto him?

The statement that best describes the intended aesthetic impact of the passage is that it emphasizes the triumph of love over petty differences.

Which sentence best describes an aesthetic impact?

In this case we are talking of an aesthetic impact, feeling in a powerful way, the beauty of a text. I think the best answer therefore is: D) The way the plot comes full circle is meant to make the reader fell satisfied.

Which situation is the best example of an identity conflict?

The situation B is the best example of an identity conflict. Explanation: Identity conflict manifests when one is not sure of his or her own place in the world. Identity differences are the root cause of identity conflict.

Which situation is the best example of a hero inner conflict?

Which situation is the best example of a hero’s inner conflict? A king struggles with his own ambition as he decides whether to keep killing his opponents in order to gain more power.

Which situation is the best example of irony?

The best example of irony is C. A poorly written book that is full of clichés and weak characters is called Stories of Genius. When reading the title, the reader has an expectation, but the content of the book ends up being completely different from the one imagined.

Which of the following is the best example of dramatic irony?

Example #1: Macbeth (By J William Shakespeare) This is one of the best examples of dramatic irony. In this case, Duncan says that he trusts Macbeth, not knowing about the prophecy of witches that Macbeth is going to be the king, and that he would kill him. The audience, on the other hand, knows about the prophecy.

Which situation is the best example of dramatic irony answers com?

The best example of dramatic irony in the play is in Act 5 when Romeo sees Juliet and thinks that she is dead because of the potion she took earlier that day to make her appear dead.

Which is an example of irony from The Great Gatsby?

The example of irony from The Great Gatsby is Daisy has everything, yet she is still unhappy.

Which event is an example of irony in Macbeth?

Answer: The situation surrounding Duncan’s death, Lady Macbeth’s guilt, and Macbeth’s insanity are all examples of dramatic irony because we have witnessed Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan out and commit the act of murder.

What is an example of sarcasm?

Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor. Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what’s true to make someone look or feel foolish. For example, let’s say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, “Do you want help?” If they reply by saying, “No thanks.

What is the most accurate definition of sarcasm?

1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. 2a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual.

What is the difference between cynical and sarcastic?

Sarcasm is the expression of a viewpoint in a way that indicates that it’s the opposite of one’s real opinion, often by tone of voice. Cynicism is the expectation that people will only act in their own self-interest, no matter what they say their actions will be.

What is another name for sarcasm?

Some common synonyms of sarcasm are humor, irony, repartee, satire, and wit.

What is the difference between sarcastic and sardonic?

Sarcastic and sardonic are similar, but not precisely the same, in meaning. Sarcastic: “marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.” Sardonic: “characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering: a sardonic grin.”

What’s another word for sassy?

What is another word for sassy?

cheeky bold
audacious saucy
cocky rude
flip nervy
wise brassy

Can a guy be called Sassy?

1. “Sassy” “Sassy” is rarely used toward cis, straight men, and it’s also disproportionately used toward women of color. The only case when “sassy” is typically used toward men is when it’s used to describe gay men, as in the “sassy gay friend” trope.

How can I be sassy?

Make your body language sassy, too.

  1. Walk with your head high! Shoulders back and not slouching.
  2. Don’t shy away from eye contact.
  3. Be flirty.
  4. An eye roll or some other body equivalent (something like “talk to the hand,” but less 1999) has its place in being sassy, too, but keep it to a minimum.

What does it mean when someone is sassy?

Sassy means “bold or fresh.” If you see your teacher in the grocery store with her attractive, well-dressed husband and you charge right over to say, “Who’s the hunk?” that’s being very sassy. Sassy comes from saucy, as in: bold, spicy, and impertinent.

What makes a woman sassy?

Sassy women are diplomatic and have a calculated approach in what they’re going to say and how to act. They’re respected for their assertive nature and quick comebacks. Bitchy women, on the other hand, act irrationally and impulsively without thinking things through.

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