How is Antigone prideful?

How is Antigone prideful?

Antigone also exhibits pride in her honour from her chosen method of death, as she commits suicide which was seen as noble. Not only this, but she robs Creon of the victory over her, as he at first wanted to stone her to death, then wanted her to starve and she took both of these from him by taking her own life.

What is the main theme of Antigone?

A central theme of Antigone is the tension between individual action and fate. While free choices, such as Antigone’s decision to defy Creon’s edict, are significant, fate is responsible for many of the most critical and devastating events of the trilogy.

How does Antigone influence modern society?

The ideas Sophocles presents in Antigone have relevance in today’s world, and indicate that modern society is not as advanced as we believe. The problems of gender equality, democratic voice, and religious faith still resonate today. Antigone attempts to show the strength women have in the face of male authority.

What is the moral of Antigone?

In Antigone, the moral of the story is that of fate. This moral is incorporated through the actions of both Creon and Antigone. The moral also corresponds with a recurring theme of the abuse of power, something that Creon is more than guilty of.

Why is Antigone important?

The Tragedy of Antigone is not called Creon because Antigone is more important than Creon, she is more controversial, and she is more admirable. Antigone played a bigger role than Creon in that she defied the law and started the whole play’s chain of events, eventually leading to nearly everyone’s death.

Who is the true tragic hero of Antigone?


How did Antigone die?

Antigone, despairing of her fate, commits suicide by hanging just before Creon changes his mind and orders her to be released.

Why Antigone is a tragic hero?

Lesson Summary Creon is the tragic hero because he tries to restore order in Thebes and is a good ruler but ends up alone due to his excessive pride. Antigone is the tragic hero because she sticks to her beliefs in the Gods and family and dies because of her loyalty to them.

Who is the antagonist in Antigone?

Creon. If Antigone is the protagonist that means Creon has got to be the antagonist. And he’s a real jerk. He’s the force that Antigone goes up against.

Why did Antigone kill herself?

When King Creon finds out, he becomes furious and orders Antigone to be walled up alive in a tomb. Rather than live in dishonor, Antigone sees it as her religious duty towards the gods and her brother to take her own life by hanging herself.

Does Antigone regret decision?

Just before she is led off to her death, Antigone mourns the life she is leaving by her own choice and even seems to regret her decision. The moment passes, however, and may represent simply a small proof of human weakness that makes Antigone’s strength all the more dramatic.

How does Creon change in Antigone?

Creon seems to undergo an awakening of consciousness during the course of the play. This involves improved understanding of his duty to the gods and his family, with compassion toward his niece Antigone, in particular.

What is Antigone only regret?

What is Antigone’s only regret before her death? Antigone’s regret before dying was never being married.

What happens to Polynices body?

Creon then resumes power and declares that Eteocles will have a proper burial; however, Polyneices’ body will be left for the dogs and vultures to eat, as a punishment for his disgrace.

Who does Antigone seem most loyal to?

One form is Antigone expressing loyalty to the family by giving her beloved brother, Polynices, a proper burial in honor of his death. However, being loyal to the state is important as well. Creon and the citizens of Thebes respect the law, which show loyalty to the state.

What is Creon’s response to Teiresias warnings?

How does Creon react to Tiresias’ advice? He refuses to take the blind soothsayer’s advice. He says Tiresias’ wisdom is false and he is only seeking an advantage.

Why is it ironic that the prophet Teiresias is blind?

Why is it particularly ironic that Teiresias, the prophet, is blind? Ironic because Oedipus Rex becomes blind too. The prophet can see the future, trying to avoid the future made it come true. Oedipus keeps seeing things incorrectly as if he was blind, his anger blinds him.

What happens to Antigone at the end of the play?

While in the cave though, Antigone commits suicide. Creon survives at the end of the play, retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Haemon, Creon’s son, commits suicide after Antigone’s death.

What is Creon’s tragic flaw quizlet?

Creon’s tragic flaw is his stubbornness and his hubris. His stubbornness is displayed in his unwillingness to change Antigone’s punishment. His excessive pride is displayed in his inability to take advice from his son or the Thebans. He is also embarrassed when he figures out that Haimon has been swayed by a woman.

What is Oedipus tragic flaw?

What is Oedipus’ tragic flaw, or hamartia? It is hubris or pride. Upon reaching adulthood and hearing the prophecy that he will murder his father and take his mother as his own wife, he attempts to flee the fate the gods have laid out before him by leaving Corinth.

What is the meaning of tragic flaw?

Definition of Tragic Flaw Tragic flaw is a literary device that represents a flaw or deficiency in character that results in the downfall of the hero in a tragic literary work. A tragic flaw is the principal defect in character or judgment that leads to the downfall of the tragic hero.

What does Tiresias say about Creon’s rule?

Tiresias warns Creon that he is at a turning point, and that Polynices’s body must be buried to appease the gods and protect Thebes from their wrath. Tiresias tells Creon not to be stubborn in his decision to refuse to bury Polynices. Instead, he should see himself as only human and capable of making mistakes.

What happens in Antigone?

Antigone has hanged herself and Haemon, in desperate agony, kills himself as well. On hearing the news of her son’s death, Eurydice, the queen, also kills herself, cursing Creon. Alone, in despair, Creon accepts responsibility for all the tragedy and prays for a quick death.

How is Antigone killed?

Antigone, despairing of her fate, commits suicide by hanging just before Creon changes his mind and orders her to be released. John Newell, J.D. In the play, Antigone is sentenced to death by her uncle, King Creon, for the crime of burying her brother, Polynices.

Why is Antigone a tragedy?

“Antigone” can be classified as a Greek tragedy because we find the general conception of Greek tragedy, a tragic hero, the cause of his downfall and thematic significance. In “Antigone” the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride. He cannot imagine that anyone else can be right.

What was Creon’s fate?

Also Know, what was Creon’s fate? Creon’s pride leads him onto suffering. He is failed from his power and happiness. He is failed to acknowledge a higher good than that of his decision.

What is Creon’s state of mind after Tiresias leaves?

What is Creon’s state of mind after Tiresias leaves? He is shaken and troubled, but finds it hard to obey Tiresias.

Who does the chorus blame for Antigone’s situation?

Why is Creon the tragic hero?

In “Antigone” written by Sophocles, Creon is the tragic hero. Creon is the tragic hero because of his error in judgement, stubborn way of ruling Thebes, his change, and all the tragedy brought on by his actions. Creon then quickly ordered Antigone to be freed and Polyneices to be buried, but he was too late.

Why does the chorus blame Antigone for her death?

The chorus blames Antigone for her death. They say that she knew she was breaking the law and that her fate was her own fault, because she made a choice. Antigone blames Oedipus, her father, for the curse he had left to her family. Describe the outcome of the play and determine the major theme.

Why does Creon punish Antigone?

Creon feels he must punish Antigone because, by defying his authority and trying to bury her brother, Antigone has become a threat to his rule.

What finally happens to Antigone?

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