What does Phoebe symbolize for Holden?

What does Phoebe symbolize for Holden?

Phoebe, then, serves as a guide and surrogate for the audience. Because she knows her brother better than we do, we trust her judgments about him. Phoebe makes Holden’s picture of childhood—of children romping through a field of rye—seem oversimplified, an idealized fantasy.

Why does Holden want to call Phoebe?

Hover for more information. Holden feels most comfortable talking to his younger sister, Phoebe, because he feels like she is the only person who genuinely understands him and sincerely cares about his well-being.

Why does Holden refuse to take Phoebe along?

Holden’s fantasy of going out West reflects two aspects of his personality. Holden’s refusal to let Phoebe join him on his trip out West stems from a fear that she won’t grow up when with him. Something has changed in Holden, for by refusing her into his sanctuary, he acknowledges that children must grow up.

What is Holden’s relationship with Phoebe?

10) What is Holden’s relationship with Phoebe like? Like many of Holden’s relationships, his relationship with his younger sister, Phoebe, is complicated. However, Holden and Phoebe are very close, and Phoebe seems to know Holden better than anyone else and accepts him exactly as he is.

Why does Holden like his sister Phoebe so much?

Holden loves Phoebe because he can easily connect with her. Not only is she a good listener, but she also has a keen sense of discernment. These characteristics make Holden feel like they are on the same page. This quote comes from Chapter 21, when Holden sneaks back into his family’s home to visit his sister.

When Holden sees Mr Spencer?

When Holden visits Mr. Spencer in Chapter 2, his elderly teacher is housebound with the flu (“the grippe”). Despite his illness, Mr. Spencer gives Holden a warm welcome.

Why does Mr Spencer want Holden?

Holden decides to visit Mr. Spencer in the beginning of the novel in order to say goodbye to the teacher. Holden feels that he should say goodbye to Mr. Spencer because he is the only teacher that Holden actually liked at Pencey.

Does Holden like Mr Spencer?

Although Holden’s language shows that he has respect for Mr. Spencer (“he was a nice old guy”), it also reveals his characteristically critical nature (he “didn’t know his ass from his elbow”). Part of Holden’s frustration may stem from his sense that Mr. Spencer is not really listening.

What class is Holden not failing?

What is the only class he passed? He failed four out of five subjects. The only class he passed was English. Why is Holden watching the football game at the beginning of the novel?

What did Mr Spencer say to Holden?

Spencer brings up Holden’s expulsion from Pencey. He also talks about getting the opportunity to meet Holden’s parents and calls them ‘grand’ people, which Holden thinks sounds phony. He tells Holden, ‘Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.

Why does Holden call Mr Antolini?

Holden admires and respects him because Antolini is not only intellectual and perceptive, but he has a heart. When James Castle committed suicide, it was Antolini who carried his bloody, broken body all the way to the infirmary.

What quote does Mr Antolini give Holden?

The mark of the immature man

Who does Holden call when he is really drunk?

Summary: Chapter 20 After Luce leaves, Holden stays at the bar and gets very drunk. He stumbles to the phone booth and makes an incoherent late-night call to Sally Hayes, angering both her and her grandmother.

What was wrong with Holden Caulfield?

Holden Caulfield suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. The fictional cause is the death of his beloved little brother, Allie. The reason that The Catcher in the Rye is so powerful is that it is a true book (I don’t say that it is a true story). Salinger, himself, and Holden’s PTSD is Salinger’s PTSD.

Who does Holden call at the end of the chapter?

Miss Faith Cavendish

Why did Holden Kiss Jane?

Jane was upset because her stepfather was abusing her. Holden’s reaction was to sit next to her and put his arm around her. But instead of just comforting her, he begins to kiss her all over her face. He confuses lust with sympathy.

Why do the ice skates make Holden sad?

Why does packing his ice skates make Holden feel sad? Holden reflects that his mother bought him this thoughtful gift, and he is disappointing her again by being expelled. Every time someone gives him a gift, it ends up making him sad. It had to do with her mother’s husband.

Why doesn’t Holden call anyone from the phone booth?

Holden also struggles with calling people because he wants to talk to them, but doesn’t want them to know about him being kicked out of Pencey. Every time Holden tries to make a phone call he ends up not, this shows that he has a difficulty talking to friends and connecting with others.

Why did Holden never call Jane?

Salinger shows that Jane is more important as a fantasy figure because Holden’s desire to see her in the present is vastly outweighed by his desire to continue to believe that she is as innocent as she was during their childhood, an thus he decides against calling Jane.

What is ironic about Holden not wanting to look like a screwball?

Holden thinks he looks like a screwball. Why didn’t he want to wear his hat to check in at the hotel? He didn’t want to wear his red hunting cap out of fear of looking like a screwball, which was ironic because he never really cared about what he looked like in the hat.

Why does Holden call people?

The significance of these unmade phone calls shows that Holden is constantly wanting to reach out to someone. He chooses to not because he thinks of himself as not being in the mood for it. Holden constantly wants to call different characters throughout the book, yet does not ever follow up on these thoughts.

What does Holden ultimately want?

Holden simply wants the comfort of someone he can talk to. He cannot bring himself to numb the loneliness and pain long enough to sleep with someone. He wants to spare himself the pain of possibly losing Phoebe or seeing her grow up by getting as far away from her as possible.

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