What happens when Lyddie goes to sign the petition?

What happens when Lyddie goes to sign the petition?

When Lyddie goes to sign the petition, she learns that it has already failed. She is devastated. They assume, as Amelia says, that they will lose their jobs if they complain or if they sign the petition. Lyddie is upset because she needs the money to pay off her family’s debts.

Why Lyddie should sign the petition?

That’s why in chapter twelve lyddie should sign the petition. Lyddie should sign the petition because the factory tires her out more easily. Another reason lyddie should sign is because it made her friends become ill. Signing the petition will be the best thing she does in her life.

Why does Lyddie finally sign the petition What moment or event changed her mind?

Lyddie changes her mind and decides to sign the petition, but it is too late. Lyddie takes her job as a factory worker very seriously. She values her work because she wants to make enough money to pay off her family’s debts so that she can get the farm back. This is why she is so against the petition at first.

What chapter does Lyddie get hurt?

Chapter 13

How old is Lyddie?

thirteen years

How does Diana help her?

Hover for more information. Diana helps Lyddie learn to use her loom and makes her feel at home. Diana is the mother figure for all of the factory girls. She has endless patience, and whenever a new girl comes to the factory she shows her how to operate the machinery so that she won’t get hurt.

At what age did Diana die?

36 years (1961–1997)

What happened when Lyddie return to Cutler’s Tavern?

Cutler is already back at the tavern. She fires Lyddie immediately. Lyddie is not heartbroken, because now she is able to go to Lowell and become a factory girl. She felt more lighthearted than she had since the day Mrs.

Who is Diana Goss Lyddie?

Diana is the one who steps forward at the factory to help Lyddie get used to the difficult and dangerous job of operating the looms. Diana is patient and “quietly competent”, and Lyddie wants to learn everything so that she can one day be like her (Chapter 9).

Is Lyddie a real person?

Lyddie is a 1991 novel written by Chinese-born American Katherine Paterson. Set in the 19th century, this is a story of determination and personal growth….Lyddie.

First edition, 1991
Author Katherine Paterson
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 182
ISBN 0-5

What does Betsy do for Lyddie?

Betsy is a factory worker and a friend of Lyddie’s. She is interested in Lyddie right away. Lyddie shares a bed with Betsy. She likes to read novels, and teaches Lyddie how to read better.

How does Diana help Lyddie in Chapter 13?

She is working up to four machines at one time. Lyddie also writes a letter home to her family explaining her successes, hard work, and attempts to pay off all of the family debt. Diana helps care for Lyddie’s injury and even arranges for Lyddie to see a doctor friend of hers. All at no cost to Lyddie.

How does the speed up affect Lyddie in Chapter 13?

How does the factory speed-up in Chapter 13 affect Lyddie? She is mentally and physically exhausted. She is worried abut Betsy. She eats more to keep up her energy.

How does Lyddie respond to her injury in Chapter 13?

Lyddie reacts to her injury in the way she reacts to most things: by thinking about money first. When Lyddie gets hit in the head with the shuttle, she falls to the floor, and Diana rushes to her side. Lyddie says, “The bell ain’t rung yet.” Earlier in this chapter Lyddie has heard Mr.

How was Lyddie paid?

Lyddie gets paid per piece once a week, but most of her pay goes to her board until she is discharged and paid full wages. Lyddie works at the mill after she loses her job at the tavern. At the tavern, she never actually gets paid her wages personally. They are supposedly sent to her mother directly.

Does Lyddie marry Luke?

Luke is a good friend to Lyddie and eventually asks her to marry him, but Lyddie, intent on proving that she can make it on her own, has other plans. She learns to appreciate Luke, however, and the book ends on a note of hope that they will eventually be together.

Why is Lyddie fired from the tavern?

Expert Answers Mr. Marsden targeted Lyddie because she saw him harassing Brigid and stopped him. Lyddie understands that Mr. Marsden lied about her to get her fired.

How did Lyddie get her job?

Bedlow buys Lyddie clothes and gets her a job at a factory and a room in a boardinghouse. Lyddie’s roommates also work at the same factory.

Where is Lyddie’s dad?

Expert Answers Worthen, Lyddie’s father, has been away for two years. He left the family because the prospects he had for making money on their farm had soured. The maple trees he had on his land did not produce enough syrup to be profitable, and the potash he hoped to sell had no buyers.

What chapter does Lyddie get fired?

Lyddie was really sad. She couldn’t believe she had been fired.

Who comes to visit Lyddie?

In chapter 4, when Lyddie is working at the tavern, Charlie surprises her by showing up for a visit. The two meet in the kitchen, and the cook and Willie are there as well; Mistress Cutler might be coming in and out at any moment, too.

Who visits Lyddie in Chapter 4?

Terms in this set (4) Charlie came to visit Lyddie. Lyddie was very lonely after he left. A winter blizzard came. Otis and Enoch, two hired men, were stuck inside in the kitchen whittling making spills for maple sugaring.

How does Spring change the work being done at the tavern Lyddie?

When spring comes, they no longer need to make maple sugar. The mistress of the tavern, Mrs. Cutler, went to sell what they had made. This made the work much lighter for Lyddie and Triphena.

Who allowed the runaway to stay in Lyddie’s cabin?

The man told Lyddie that the Stevens’ had told him that it was safe to stay in Lyddie’s cabin. Then, he introduced himself as Ezekial Abernathy. He was a runaway slave who used to be a preacher.

What does Lyddie decide at the end of Chapter 6?

With nothing left for her at the tavern, and with Charlie “safely” stowed with another family, Lyddie decides to set off for Lowell to become a factory girl. And, in so doing, she becomes a living symbol of the Industrial Revolution in full swing.

What does Amelia want Lyddie to do on the Sabbath Why?

In Chapter 8, what does Amelia want Lyddie to do on the Sabbath? Why? Amelia wants to take her to the city to have lunch. Amelia wants her to go to church with her because she thinks Lyddie is not a nice person.

How does Lyddie feel when she finds out Charlie is at school?

When Lyddie arrives, she finds out that Charlie is at school instead of at the mill. Lyddie is disgusted by Charlie’s “new family” and feels that he might forget his real one. With these thoughts in mind, Lyddie heads back to her family’s old farm.

Why did Lyddie not complain about the speed up?

Why did Lyddie not complain about the speed-up? a. More than anything, she wanted to earn enough money to reunite her family and get the farm back. She wanted to earn more money, and the corporation raised wages when it sped up the machinery.

What did the pink silk lady tell Lyddie?

What did the “pink silk lady” tell Lyddie? Lyddie was a good worker and would do well working in a mill in Lowell, Massachusetts. She could clear $2.00 a week and be independent.

What does Mr Marsden do to Lyddie?

Also, what did Mr Marsden do to Lyddie? Mr. Marsden can be accused of sexual harrassment because he puts his arms around Lyddie when he makes her stay late after work, but he does not rape her. Something has happened to Diana because she is pregnant and has to leave the factory.

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