What characteristics are primarily attributed to the Western world?
Music and arts are very much appreciated ,wide spread innovation has always been a major drive in the western world and lastly improvement in technology is what as defined the western world. So all of these make up the western world.
Which of the following is a characteristics of the Western culture?
Some of the central characteristics of Western culture include: Democracy. Rational thinking. Individualism.
What is considered the Western world?
The Western world, also known as the West, refers to various regions, nations and states, depending on the context, most often consisting of the majority of Europe, the Americas, and Australasia.
What was the basis for much of Western civilization?
During the Middle Ages, the rise of Christianity in Rome became the basis for much of the development of Western civilization.
What are the roots of Western civilization?
The Roots of Western Civilization Its roots lay in the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome (which themselves built on foundations laid in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia). It took shape in medieval Europe, with its Christian religion, feudal society, dispersed power-structures and growing economic dynamism.
What is included in Western civilization?
Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies of the Western world.
What are the four cultural ancestors of Western civilization?
Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Jewish, Slavic, Latin, and other ethnic and linguistic groups, as well as Christianity, which played an important part in the shaping of Western civilization since …