Why is it usually difficult to maintain productive agriculture year after year in a cleared area of tropical rainforest quizlet?
#6 Its difficult to maintain productive agriculture year after year in a cleared area of tropical rainforest because of soil erosion, drought, flooding, water quality degradation and declining agricultrial productivity and carbon dioxide increase because of burning trees. Regolith is the beginning of soil.
What generally happens to tree elevation of treeline going from the equator to the poles?
GENERAL PATTERNS OF TREELINE Treeline elevation generally increases as one moves from the poles to the equator, but there is a wide variation in treeline elevation at a given latitude.
Why do trees not grow beyond a tree line?
Trees don’t grow above the timberline because of high winds, low moisture, and cold temperatures. Trees grow all over the world, in many different types of weather. But above certain elevations, trees just cant grow. Small trees need less moisture and less oxygen.
What causes treeline?
The tree line is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing. It is found at high elevations and high latitudes. Beyond the tree line, trees cannot tolerate the environmental conditions (usually cold temperatures, extreme snowpack, or associated lack of available moisture).
Are there trees in Greenland?
Currently, only five species of trees or large shrubs occur naturally in Greenland–Greenland mountain ash, mountain alder, downy birch, grayleaf willow, and common juniper–and and those hardy plants grow only in scattered plots in the far south.
At what altitude do trees no longer grow?
The elevational limit of such suitable summer conditions varies by latitude. In Mexico, for example, treeline occurs somewhere around 13,000 feet, whereas farther north, in the Tetons, for instance, it occurs lower, at approximately 10,000 feet.
How high up can trees grow?
By analyzing the interplay between these forces, a team of biologists led by George Koch of Northern Arizona University calculated the theoretical maximum tree height, or the point at which opposing forces balance out and a tree stops growing. This point lies somewhere between 400 and 426 feet (122 and 130 m).
What vegetables grow at high altitude?
Some vegetables that do well at high elevations include:
- Root varieties (carrots, parsnips, turnips, radishes, beets)
- Leafy greens.
- Peas.
- Broccoli.
- Cauliflower.
What fruits grow at high altitudes?
What Fruit Grows at High Altitude?
- Fruits grown at high altitude are hardy, late blooming, and early maturing, such as:
- In some cases, peaches and sweet cherries may also grow successfully.
- Apple, apricot, pear, plum, and sour cherry varieties grow most successfully in high altitude conditions – assuming you employ proper maintenance techniques.
Can you grow vegetables at 10000 feet?
Leafy greens and root vegetables — carrots, turnips, parsnips, radishes and beets — are the best choices for high-altitude, short-season gardens. Spinach, leaf lettuce, arugula, chicory, chard, most varieties of Asian greens (pak choi) and mustards (Osaka) can be sown right in the garden.
What kind of leaves do plants at higher altitudes have?
Answer. Plants have sharp and pointed leaves at higher altitudes. Because at higher altitudes specific leaf area is reduced and leaf thickness is increased.
Why did the potato thrive in Europe?
Why did the potato thrive in Europe? It had a resistance to cold weather and could grow in poor soil, which is what Europe had. Ireland and the potato are best known for deterring out right starvation and the plant disease went around and killed the potato crops.
Why did the potatoes die?
Verticillium dahliae Kleb is a soilborne fungus that infects the potato plant through the root system and is implicated as the primary causal agent of potato early die.
What country profited from potatoes?
The people of Ireland became dependent on the potato as their food and livelihood. Then in 1845, the potato blight hit Ireland (Crosby, 1972). The people of Ireland who once depended on the potato died because of famine due to the blight ruining countless acres (Crosby, 1972).
What does Potatoes do to your body?
Potatoes are a good source of fiber, which can help you lose weight by keeping you full longer. Fiber can help prevent heart disease by keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check. Potatoes are also full of antioxidants that work to prevent diseases and vitamins that help your body function properly.