Who is in charge of Georgia Insurance Department?

Who is in charge of Georgia Insurance Department?

John F. King

What does the GA Insurance Commissioner do?

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance handles questions and complaints regarding specific insurance providers, insurance rates or policies, and the licensing of companies and agents. You may also contact that office for information on the financial standing of insurance companies.

Who is in charge of insurance companies?

California Insurance Commissioner

What is one of the roles of the insurance commissioner?

The purpose of insurance commissioners is to maintain fair pricing for insurance products, protecting the solvency of insurance companies, preventing unfair practices by insurance companies, and ensuring availability of insurance coverage. Approval of insurance rates. Periodical financial examinations of insurers.

What is a responsibility of the Commissioner of Insurance quizlet?

As you know, each state has an insurance department headed by a Director/Superintendent/Commissioner of Insurance who is responsible for controlling insurance matters in the state. The commissioner has the authority to take action to enforce the law (suspend, revoke, remove license of agent or a company’s authority).

How is the Commissioner of Insurance selected to be the chief officer of the Department of Insurance quizlet?

Terms in this set (62) the commissioner of insurance: is the chief executive officer and Director of the department of insurance and will have all the powers and perform all the duties vested in and imposed upon the department of insurance. The Commissioner is appointed by the governor of Minnesota.

Which of the following is a reason your insurance may be revoked?

What is a reason your insurance may be revoked? Lying on your insurance application. 2. Failing to pay your insurance bill on time.

What is the purpose of a certificate of authority quizlet?

What is the purpose of a Certificate Authority? The purpose of a Certificate Authority is to provide certificates and sign off on other certificates creating a web of trust. An example of a certificate authority is Go Daddy. You just studied 53 terms!

What is the purpose of a Certificate Authority?

A certificate authority (CA) is an organization that stores public keys and their owners, and every party in a communication trusts this organization (and knows its public key). When the user’s web browser receives the public key from www.

What is the function of a certificate of authority?

A certificate authority (CA), also sometimes referred to as a certification authority, is a company or organization that acts to validate the identities of entities (such as websites, email addresses, companies, or individual persons) and bind them to cryptographic keys through the issuance of electronic documents …

Why would a Certificate Authority revoke a certificate quizlet?

Revocation may occur because the subject’s identity information has changed, the subject used the certificate to commit a crime, or the subject used the certificate in such a way as to violate the CA’s certificate policy. When a certificate is revoked, it’s added to the CA’s certificate revocation list (CRL).

What are two methods to maintain certificate revocation status?

The certificate revocation list (CRL) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), are two common methods to check a certificate revocation status.

What is a CRL quizlet?

-Revoked certificates are published in a list called the Certificate Revocation List(CRL). The CRL contains a list of all certificates issued by the CA that have been revoked.

What is AIA location?

Authority information access (AIA) is a service location descriptor that is included in every certificate issued by the CA. Technically, it is one of the many properties of a certificate. It contains LDAP, HTTP, and CER file location points, which allow clients to access the CA’s own certificate information.

What is an AIA certificate?

Authority Information Access (AIA) is a special extension in SSL certificates that contains information about the issuer of the certificate. This extension helps fetch intermediate certificates from the issuing certification authority.

What is AIA server?

Authority Information Access (AIA) The certificate is issued to the web server by the User CA. In order to ensure that the certificate is issued by a trusted entity , the SSL client needs to validate the entire chain.

What is CDP certificate?

CDP — CRL Distribution Point is an extension that contains links to the CRL of the issuer of the certificate which is being verified. AIA — Authority Information Access is an extension that contains links to the certificate of the issuer of the certificate which is being verified.

What does CDP mean after a name?

Certified Dementia Practitioner

How do I check my CRL distribution points?

In the address bar of the browser, to the left of the address, click the lock. Click Connection and then click Certificate information. In the Certificate window, click Details, and then, in the Show drop-down list select Extensions Only. In the box below, under Field, locate and click CRL Distribution Points.

What is CDP in Active Directory?

CDP. This container is used to store certificate revocation lists (CRL). To differentiate CRLs a separate container is created for each CA. Typically CA host NetBIOS name is used.

What is CDP location?

A CRL distribution point (CDP) is a location on an LDAP directory server or Web server where a CA publishes CRLs. The system downloads CRL information from the CDP at the interval specified in the CRL, at the interval that you specify during CRL configuration, and when you manually download the CRL.

Where are Active Directory certificates stored?

When a user is issued a certificate through the Certificate Service web site, the certificate data is stored in the userCertificate attribute on the AD user’s record. In addition, the subject of the issued certificate is set to the distinguished user name.

Where are certificate templates stored in Active Directory?

Certificate templates are stored in Active Directory and are available to any enterprise CA in the forest. This means that if you edit the properties of a certificate template, any CA that issues certificates based on that template will issue certificates based on those updated properties.

How do I manage a certificate template?

To configure the certificate template In the MMC, double-click the CA name, right-click Certificate Templates, and then click Manage. The Certificate Templates console opens. All of the certificate templates are displayed in the details pane.

What are the certificate templates?

Certificate Templates. A certificate template defines the policies and rules that a CA uses when a request for a certificate is received. Many built-in templates can be viewed using the Certificate Templates snap-in (see Figure 12.17).

What is the Domain Controller certificate template?

The Kerberos Authentication certificate template is the most current certificate template designated for domain controllers and should be the one you deploy to all your domain controllers (2008 or later). The autoenrollment feature in Windows enables you to effortlessly replace these domain controller certificates.

How do I get a domain controller certificate?

How to obtain the “Domain Controller Authentication” certificate on the Domain Controller?

  1. Right Click and choose All Task, Click Request New Certificate. A Before You Begin window will prompt you.
  2. Select Active Directory Enrollment Policy.
  3. Check Domain Controller and Domain Controller Authentication and click Next.

How do I issue a domain controller certificate?

  1. Open the CA console (i.e. certsrv.msc )
  2. In the console tree, click the name of the CA.
  3. In the details pane, double-click Certificate Templates.
  4. In the console tree, right-click Certificate Templates , click New , and then click Certificate Template To Issue.

What is certificate autoenrollment?

Certificate autoenrollment is based on the combination of Group Policy settings and version 2 (or higher) certificate templates. This combination allows the Windows client to enroll users when they log on to their domain, or a machine when it boots, and keeps them periodically updated between these events.

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