Why did William kamkwamba build a second windmill?

Why did William kamkwamba build a second windmill?

He decided to build a windmill to power his family’s home and obviate the need for kerosene, which provided only smoky, flickering, distant and expensive light after dark. After hooking the windmill to a car battery for storage, William was able to power four light bulbs and charge neighbors’ mobile phones.

What motivates William kamkwamba?

What motivates William, in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, is primarily his family’s need.

How did William help his community?

With only a library book as his guide, 14 year old William Kamkwamba builds a windmill in his Malawian village that changes his life forever. Using junk parts and an inexhaustible imagination, he harnesses enough energy to power a generator that saves his family from famine and resuscitates his dying farming community.

Did they kill the dog in the boy who harnessed the wind?

When the family realizes Trywell had only made enough grain for one meal a day, he threatens William if he feeds their family dog. Watching these scenes made me feel the same fear that the characters were experiencing. The dog later died of starvation.

What is a Chikhwapu?

Chikhwapu – deadly whip. Mphala – home where unmarried boys live on their own. Chapter 4 All About Corn (They call it Maize)

What is the meaning of Tonga?

(Entry 1 of 2) : a light 2-wheeled vehicle for two or four persons drawn by one horse and common in India.

What means harnessed?

1a : to put a harness on harnessed the ox. b : to attach by means of a harness harness the horses to the wagon. 2 : to tie together : yoke must harness his mechanical apparatus to his creative mind— Andrew Buchanan. 3 : utilize harness the computer’s potential.

What is another word for harnessed?

Harnessed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for harnessed?

saddled bridled
put in harness strapped up

What is the meaning of carabiners?

: a usually D-shaped or oblong metal ring with one spring-hinged side that is used especially in mountain climbing as a connector and to hold a freely running rope.

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