What did Zacchaeus say to Jesus?
But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.
What is the significance of the sycamore tree in the Bible?
One day, Jesus passes through the city, and Zacchaeus can’t see him because he was short in stature and the crowd is obstructing his view. So, he climbs a sycamore tree where he’s finally able to capture a glimpse of Jesus. Because of this story, the sycamore has become somewhat of a symbol of clarity.
What tree symbolizes wealth?
With a braided trunk and lush, glossy leaves, it’s no wonder the Chinese Money Tree plant is so popular. Said to bring luck and wealth, this plant adds vitality to any home!
What do the trees symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?
What do they symbolize? The trees of the wooded and swamp area symbolized the land owners, slave drivers, and colonists that have taken the land from the Native Americans. They were all sinners that had made deals with the devil for their own greed and material desires.
Why does Tom initially refuse the devil’s bargain?
Why does Tom initially refuse the devil’s bargain? It is after he gets home and tells his wife about the incident. However Tom might have felt disposed to sell himself to the devil, he was determined not to do so to contradict his wife. So, just to spite her, Tom refuses.
What do the trees in the Devil’s Grove symbolize?
The trees that grow where the old Indian fort once stood represent the souls of the men whose names are carved into them. The tree takes on the characteristics of the man whose soul it represents. When a soul has become sufficiently immoral/rotten, the devil reaps the soul by cutting down the tree.
What are three symbols in The Devil and Tom Walker?
The Devil and Tom Walker – Emblems / Symbols: The Devil = evil, temptation, and the road to hell. The Swamp = the shorcut full of “pits and quagmires,” in other words this is a trap. Trees=look good on the outside, but rotten at the core. Chopped wood=ready to be burned.
Who is the black man in the Devil and Tom Walker?
The “black man” is the Devil, although in the context of this story he goes by the name of Old Scratch, or the Black Woodsman.
What does Tom Walker’s wife symbolize?
Tom’s wife can at least be said to represent greed or to be strongly driven by it. This is evidenced both by the narrator’s initial description of her as miserly, and unable to share even the simplest of things with her husband, and by her later insistence on making the deal with Scratch to acquire the treasure.
What does the heart and liver symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?
Her two main sins are wrath and lust. She had her liver and heart ripped by the devil and was snatched to hell. Yes, heart represents emotion, life, and love. While the liver’s function is to detox the body of any harmful chemicals essentially to purify the body.
What is the job that is too distasteful for even Tom Walker?
Slave trading is the sin that’s too distasteful for Tom.
What do you think was Irving’s primary purpose in writing this story after you answer cite a line from the story that supports your opinion?
Hover for more information. I think Washington Irving’s main purpose for writing “The Devil and Tom Walker” was to critique and warn of the dangers of greed. In the story, Tom Walker meets a man in the woods who is implied to be the Devil.
How does Tom try to avoid fulfilling his end of the bargain?
How does tom try to avoid fulfilling his end of this bargain? Tom becomes zealously religious and keeps one bible in his coat pocket and another on his desk. Tom becomes a “violent churchgoer.” Does he really change? He continues cold-bloodedly making money by lending at high rates and foreclosing mortgages.
Which of the Devil’s requests does Tom refuse?
What business does Tom refuse to enter into at the Devil’s request? Slave trading, it shows that not even a person as morally corrupted as Tom Walker would allow himself to become this type of businessman.
What does he do when he begins to regret his bargain?
In “The Devil and Tom Walker,” when Tom begins to regret his agreement to sell his soul to the devil, he begins to attend church and carry his Bible with him everywhere. He also is rumored to have had his horse buried upside down in the belief that this way, he can outrun the devil.
How was Tom taken when it came time to fulfill his bargain at the end of the story?
Customers would often find Tom reading the Bible, another sign of his increased devotion. Despite his efforts, however, Tom is not able to escape his deal with the devil. At the end of the story, he is carried away by Old Scratch, just like his wife.
How did Tom try to get out of his bargain?
In “The Devil and Tom Walker” Tom tries to get out of his deal with the devil by becoming religious. As he grows older Tom starts to attend church services and pray and sing loudly.
What is the moral of the story The Devil and Tom Walker?
The moral in “The Devil in Tom Walker” is that if you sell your soul to the devil to get what you want, it will end up destroying you.
Why are Tom and his wife unhappy?
Why are Tom and his wife unhappy? They fight about money. “Tom was a hard-minded fellow, not easily daunted, and he had lived so long with a termagant wife that he did not even fear the devil.”