What is biodiversity PDF?

What is biodiversity PDF?

Abstract. Biodiversity is the variety of different forms of life on earth, including the different plants, animals, micro-organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystem they form. It refers to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, species variation (number of species) within an area, biome or planet.

What does biodiversity mean to you essay?

Biodiversity Essay: Biodiversity refers to all the wildlife and plant life that is around us, all over the world. It refers to the plentitude of flora and fauna around the planet earth, microorganisms included. Many different kinds of organisms are classified under the broad topic of biodiversity.

What is the importance of biodiversity essay?

Biodiversity is a significant and desirable variation in plant and animal existence on the surface of the earth. The variation exists due to genetics, species and the ecosystem or the habitat. Biodiversity is an important aspect in the world because it enables the survival and sustainability of living things on earth.

What is biodiversity in a paragraph?

Biodiversity is the natural assortment of species and a reliable connection between them. Every species in the biological system has a different capacity without which the equalization of the environment may obliterate. Biodiversity helps in supporting the food web also.

What are 3 types of biodiversity?

Usually three levels of biodiversity are discussed—genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in all individual plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.

Why is it important to protect biodiversity?

Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. Biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem. A wide variety of species will cope better with threats than a limited number of them in large populations.

What are the 5 threats to biodiversity?

Five main threats to biodiversity are commonly recognized in the programmes of work of the Convention: invasive alien species, climate change, nutrient loading and pollution, habitat change, and overexploitation.

How do humans affect biodiversity?

Humans affect biodiversity by their population numbers, use of land, and their lifestyles, causing damage to habitats for species. Through proper education, and by demanding that governments make decisions to preserve biodiversity, the human population will be able to sustain life on earth longer.

What are effects of biodiversity?

Biodiversity underpins the health of the planet and has a direct impact on all our lives. Put simply, reduced biodiversity means millions of people face a future where food supplies are more vulnerable to pests and disease, and where fresh water is in irregular or short supply. For humans that is worrying.

What is known as biodiversity?

Biodiversity is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life on Earth. It can be used more specifically to refer to all of the species in one region or ecosystem. Biodiversity refers to every living thing, including plants, bacteria, animals, and humans.

How do we protect biodiversity?

6 Ways to Preserve Biodiversity

  1. Support local farms. Regularly buying from small local farmers at stands or markets helps to keep dollars in the local economy and supports agricultural efforts to conserve biodiversity.
  2. Save the bees!
  3. Plant local flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  4. Take shorter showers!
  5. Respect local habitats.
  6. Know the source!

What is biodiversity and types?

Biodiversity includes three main types: diversity within species (genetic diversity), between species (species diversity) and between ecosystems (ecosystem diversity).

What are the 4 types of biodiversity?

Four Types of Biodiversity

  • Species Diversity. Every ecosystem contains a unique collection of species, all interacting with each other.
  • Genetic Diversity. Genetic diversity describes how closely related the members of one species are in a given ecosystem.
  • Ecosystem Diversity.
  • Functional Diversity.

What are the 5 major causes of biodiversity loss?

Species extinction.

  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: A habitat is the place where a plant or animal naturally lives.
  • Over-exploitation for Commercialization: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Invasive Species:
  • Pollution:
  • Global Climate Change:
  • Population Growth and Over-consumption:
  • Illegal Wildlife Trade:
  • Species extinction:

What are the causes and effects of biodiversity?

Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution, and global warming. Species that are physically large and those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction.

What are main causes of biodiversity loss?


  • Climate change.
  • Pollution.
  • Destruction of habitats.
  • Invasive alien species.
  • Overexploitation of the natural environment.
  • Extinction of species.
  • Threat to human beings.
  • Proliferation of pests.

What happens if we lose biodiversity?

Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause or exacerbate political conflict.

What are the values of biodiversity?

Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For example, A larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops. Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.

What are the six values of biodiversity?

This article throws light on the six major values of biodiversity. The six major values are: (a) Total Environmental Value (TEnV), (b) Primary Value (PV), (c) Total Economic Value (TEV), (d) Use Value (UV), (e) Direct Use Value (DUV), (f) Indirect Use Value (IUV), and (g) Ethical and Aesthetic Values.

What are three factors that affect the biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Factors that affect biodiversity in an ecosystem include area, climate, and diversity of niches. Which human activities threaten biodiversity? Human activities can also threaten biodiversity. These activities include habitat destruction, poaching, pollution, and the introduction of exotic species.

What are four ways that human activity reduces biodiversity?

The main threats facing biodiversity globally are:

  • destruction, degradation and fragmentation of habitats.
  • reduction of individual survival and reproductive rates through exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species.

What are 5 ways that human activity reduces biodiversity?

  • Altering habitats. Hunting.
  • Invasive Species. Pollution.
  • Driving Climate. Change.

What increases biodiversity?

As a general rule, increasing biodiversity can be achieved by diversifying the range of habitats or vegetation structures available at a site. This can be achieved by, for example, varying mowing regimes, planting or seeding with native tree and shrub species, or occasional soil disturbance.

What factors determine biodiversity in an ecosystem?

1. Biodiversity & Distribution of Life

  • Biotic, abiotic and human influences are all factors that affect biodiversity in an ecosystem.
  • Grazing and predation are biotic factors; pH and temperature are abiotic factors.
  • Biomes are the various regions of our planet as distinguished by their similar climate, fauna and flora.

What are the 4 major threats to biodiversity?

Threats to Biodiversity

  • Habitat Fragmentation. Ecosystem conversion and ecosystem degradation contribute to habitat fragmentation.
  • Exotic Species Introductions. Infestation by alien species, such as the Codling Moth, is also a major threat to BC ecosystems.
  • Pollution.
  • Global Climate Change.
  • Corridors and Connectivity.

What are the two major threats to biodiversity?

Major threats to biodiversity are:

  • Habitat destruction/Deforestation.
  • Introduced and invasive species.
  • Genetic pollution.
  • Over exploitation.
  • Hybridization.
  • Climate change.
  • Diseases.
  • Human over-population.

Why is the biggest threat to biodiversity?

Habitat loss is the single greatest threat to biodiversity on Earth today and in fact it is the second largest threat to our existence on this planet next to Climate Change. Habitat loss can also take the form of night lighting; this unnatural condition removes habitat for most animals, birds and even fish…

What are the three biggest threats to biodiversity?

The three greatest proximate threats to biodiversity are habitat loss, overharvesting, and introduction of exotic species. The first two of these are a direct result of human population growth and resource use.

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