What is the United States legislative branch called?

What is the United States legislative branch called?

Legislative – Makes Laws Congress is composed of two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Which branch of government consists of two chambers?

United States Congress

What branch of government is the Justice Department?

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States.

Why is the Department of Justice important?

The Department of Justice is the Nation’s largest law office and chief litigator. This work is critical to protecting the federal fisc against unwarranted monetary claims and to ensuring the United States can continue to protect the Nation’s security, maintain civil law and order, and ensure public safety.

What are the four major organizations that compose the Department of Justice?

The department includes such venerable law enforcement agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Marshals, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

How does the Department of Justice contribute to the criminal justice system?

DOJ prosecutes federal law offenders and represents the U.S. Government in court; its attorneys represent the rights and interests of the American people and enforce federal criminal and civil laws, including antitrust, civil rights, environmental, and tax laws; its Immigration Judges ensure justice for immigrants in …

Which state has the largest Justice Department?

California Department of Justice

What does the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development do?

The aim of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is to uphold and protect the Constitution and the rule of law; and to render accessible, fair, speedy and cost-effective administration of justice, in the interests of a safer and more secure South Africa.

What is an administrator of justice?

The personnel, activity and structure of the justice system – courts and police – in the detection, investigation, apprehension, interviewing and trial of persons suspected of crime.

Who is the Minister of Department of Justice and Constitutional Development?

Minister Ronald Lamola: Justice and Constitutional Development Dept Budget Vote 2019/20.

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