What was the purpose of the 5 year plan?
Joseph Stalin, in 1928, launched the first Five-Year Plan; it was designed to industrialize the USSR in the shortest possible time and, in the process, to expedite the collectivization of farms.
What was the five year plan in Russia?
In the Soviet Union, the first Five-Year Plan (1928–32), implemented by Joseph Stalin, concentrated on developing heavy industry and collectivizing agriculture, at the cost of a drastic fall in consumer goods. The fourth (1946–53) again stressed heavy industry and military buildup, angering the Western powers.
How did collectivization lead to famine?
By 1936 the government had collectivized almost all the peasantry. But in the process millions of those who had offered resistance had been deported to prison camps and removed from productive activity in agriculture. This caused a major famine in the countryside (1932–33) and the deaths of millions of peasants.
Is socialism a collectivization?
After a period of relative calm from 1953 – 1956, when some cooperatives even collapsed, the authorities launched a second wave of collectivisation, which officially culminated in a new socialist constitution in 1960. The cooperatives in the 70s and 80s became an important part of the Czechoslovak countryside.
Why did collective farming fail?
Blaming shortages on kulak sabotage, authorities favored urban areas and the army in distributing what supplies of food had been collected. The resulting loss of life is estimated as at least five million. To escape from starvation, large numbers of peasants abandoned collective farms for the cities.
What steps were taken by Stalin to improve agriculture?
Stalin introduced collectivization of agriculture to increase agricultural output from large-scale mechanized farms. 5. Stalin emphasized the development of science and technology in the Soviet Union. He wanted new modern technology to be introduced in Soviet industries to improve productivity.