What is resonate mean?

What is resonate mean?

: to continue to produce a loud, clear, deep sound for a long time. : to have particular meaning or importance for someone : to affect or appeal to someone in a personal or emotional way. See the full definition for resonate in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What does emotional resonance mean?

I feel your pain

What is resonance in communication?

Resonant Communication is all about communications that chime with the experiences, concerns and understanding of those who they are addressed to. We achieve this by recognizing, understanding, and designing our communications to whom it is meant for, so that it creates maximum resonance, impact and effectiveness.

Is resonance good or bad?

You push with a frequency that is the same as the natural frequency, and the amplitude of the oscillation grows. This behaviour is called resonance. Surely, this shows that resonance is a good thing. Actually, there are good resonances, and there are bad resonances.

What is resonance behavior?

Resonance, An object free to vibrate tends to do so at a specific rate called the object’s natural, or resonant, frequency. Such an object will vibrate strongly when it is subjected to vibrations or regular impulses at a frequency equal to or very close to its natural frequency. This phenomenon is called resonance.

Where is resonance used?

One use for resonance is to establish a condition of stable frequency in circuits designed to produce AC signals. Usually, a parallel (tank) circuit is used for this purpose, with the capacitor and inductor directly connected together, exchanging energy between each other.

Can resonance kill you?

This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. At high volumes, infrasound can directly affect the human central nervous system, causing disorientation, anxiety, panic, bowel spasms, nausea, vomiting and eventually organ rupture or even death from prolonged exposure.

Why is resonance dangerous?

It may cause violent swaying motions and even catastrophic failure in improperly constructed structures including bridges, buildings and airplanes. This is a phenomenon known as resonance disaster. Many resonant objects have more than one resonance frequency.

What is resonance example?

Pushing a person in a swing is a common example of resonance. The loaded swing, a pendulum, has a natural frequency of oscillation, its resonant frequency, and resists being pushed at a faster or slower rate.

Why does resonance happen?

If an object is being forced to vibrate at its natural frequency, resonance will occur. This is what causes large amplitudes of vibration when a machine’s running speed is at or near a natural frequency even if the force inputs are low.

What is resonance effect?

The concept of resonance effect tells about the polarity induced in a molecule by the reaction between a lone pair of electron and a pi bond. It also occurs by the interaction of 2 pi bonds in the adjacent atoms. Resonance in chemistry helps in understanding the stability of a compound along with the energy states.

How does resonance happen?

This is known as resonance – when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. Resonance only occurs when the first object is vibrating at the natural frequency of the second object.

Why resonant frequency is important?

The importance of resonance is that the circuit can either absorb or dissipate the maximum amount of energy at resonance. The circuit then absorbs more energy from this impinging frequency than any of the other impinging frequencies.

What is resonance vibration?

A vibration resonance occurs when equipment or a product is exposed to an external forced vibration occurring at one or more of its natural frequencies. The resulting product response vibration is amplified and can be huge! Examples of vibration resonances can be seen below and in our video page.

What is the difference between resonance and vibration?

Objects that are free to vibrate have their natural frequencies in which they vibrate when left for a duration of time. Resonance occurs when objects are forced to vibrate at their natural frequency.

When should resonance be avoided?

There is an undesirable side effect of resonance. Resonance can cause a bridge, skyscrapers and towers to collapse.

What are the advantages of resonance?

Advantages of Resonance:

  • Resonance is useful to determine an unknown frequency.
  • Resonance is useful to increase the intensity of sound in musical instruments.
  • Resonance is useful to tune a radio receiver to any desired frequency.
  • Resonance is useful to analyze musical notes.

How do you explain resonance to a child?

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to absorb more oscillatory energy when the frequency of the oscillations matches the system’s natural frequency of vibration (its resonant frequency) than it does at other frequencies.

Can resonance break glass?

A human voice can shatter a glass. Every object has a resonant frequency – the natural frequency at which something vibrates. Or you can simply tap the glass and hear the same frequency. To shatter the glass, a singer’s voice has to match that frequency, or pitch, and the glass must have microscopic defects.

How is a swing An example of resonance?

The simplest example of resonance is a child on a swing. If you give the swing a push it will swing back and forward. If you just give it one push it will swing back and forth a few times and then come to rest. (That’s because of friction and damping.)

Why does glass break at a certain frequency?

A glass has a natural resonance, a frequency at which the glass will vibrate easily. Therefore the glass needs to be moved by the sound wave at that frequency. If the force from the sound wave making the glass vibrate is big enough, the size of the vibration will become so large that the glass breaks.

What frequency can break glass?

556 hertz

Can you crush a glass with your hand?

These bubbles attach themselves to the sides of the bottle and collapse into one another. The collapse results in a superstrong jet that strikes the glass and produces a shock wave that breaks the bottle in that location. “You don’t break the glass with your hand.

Can Ella shatter glass?

In the campaign’s earliest TV spots, Fitzgerald scat sings, hits a high note and shatters a goblet. As countless sound engineers and a 2005 Mythbusters segment have proven, breaking a glass wouldn’t have been an unlikely feat for Fitzgerald, especially with her voice amplified.

What singers can break glass?

The famous opera singer, Enrico Caruso, born in 1873 in Italy, reportedly could shatter a glass with his voice, but there was no proof. In the 1970s, an advert showed Ella Fitzgerald smashing a glass with her voice – but it was amplified to louder than 100 decibels through Memorex speakers.

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