How long does it take for a journal article to be accepted?

How long does it take for a journal article to be accepted?

If you receive a revise and resubmit it may take another 2–4 months to hear back on the revised article. If your article is accepted, it could take anywhere from a few months to three years for the journal to publish your piece.

How long does it take for a paper to be reviewed?

Normally, a peer review takes me 1 or 2 days, including reading the supporting information. I almost always do it in one sitting, anything from 1 to 5 hours depending on the length of the paper. In my experience, the submission deadline for reviews usually ranges between 3 working days to up to 3 weeks.

How long does it take to get an article peer reviewed?

within 80 days

How long does it take to publish a paper in a journal?

Like many people said already; Once you actually submitted your paper to a journal you need to expect it to take at least 2 months before it’s published – and that is if you’re not required to do any additional experiments for it.

How long does it take to write a literature review paper?

2-6 months

How long does it take to get a desk reject?

1 to 4 weeks

What is desk reject?

A desk-reject means your manuscript has been rejected by a journal without being sent out for review

Does decision in process mean rejection?

‘Decision in Process’ on the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) means that the editor has logged a decision in the system but is awaiting confirmation from the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). A ‘Decision in Process’ soon after submission typically indicates that the manuscript is being desk-rejected

What is the average rejection rate for the top journals?

What is the rejection rate of journals? Rejection rates range from 30%-90%. Journals with good to high standards have rejection rates of around 90%. Open-access journals tend to have lower rejection rates.

How often do papers get rejected?

At Cell, Nature and Science, out of every 100 submissions received, merely three make it through the editor’s review and then peer review. In other words, rejection rates in these journals are as high as 97 percent! Even at journals where screening is comparatively relaxed, acceptance rates rarely exceed 40 percent

What is rejection rate?

Customer Reject Rate is a quality measure reflecting the number of complete units rejected or returned by external customers, expressed in parts per million.

What is Journal acceptance rate?

Acceptance rate (or rejection rate) is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. It can measure the selectivity or prestige of a journal, though like many journal metrics, the raw number is not the whole story

How do I know my journal acceptance rate?

Finding Journal Acceptance Rates

  1. Contact the editor of the journal. Try contacting the editor of the journal to see if s/he will share the acceptance rate.
  2. Google the journal name.
  3. Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities.
  4. American Psychological Association (APA) Journal Acceptance Rates.

How do you calculate acceptance rate for a journal?

Metric definition: The percentage of manuscripts accepted for publication, compared to all manuscripts submitted. Metric calculation: The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of manuscripts accepted for publication in a given year by the number of manuscripts submitted in that same year.

What journal has the highest impact factor?

2020 Release of Journal Citation Reports

Annual Review of: Rank Impact Factor
Criminology 1 6.348
Earth and Planetary Sciences 4 9.089
Earth and Planetary Sciences 5 9.089
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 2 14.041

Is impact factor 7 GOOD?

Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within the last few years….Answered By: Laurissa Gann. Sep 25,

Impact Factor Number of Journals Ranking (Top % of Journals)
7+ 447 3.6%
6+ 610 4.9%
5+ 871 7.1%
4+ 1,399 11.4%

What is a high impact journal?

A ‘high impact’ journal is one where its articles are regulalrly cited across the academic spectrum – and especially if they are cited in other high impact journals. Citation indexes were first developed in the 1950s as a means to measure ‘Impact Factor’ of journals

How do you know if a journal is good?

The most commonly used measure of journal quality is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). The Impact Factor attempts to measure the quality of a journal in terms of its influence on the academic community. In general, the higher the Impact Factor, the more important and prestigious the journal within its particular field.

Is Elsevier a good journal?

There are very few fields that are completely dominated by Elsevier journals. That said, the good news is that you can still do a lot to actively work towards an Elsevier-free world even if you’re unable or unwilling to completely part ways with the publisher.

Where are journal impact factors found?

You can either refer to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) or the Scopus® database to find the impact factor of the journal. The data from the Scopus® database can also be found at You can find the impact factor of thousands of journals on this website.

What are Q1 journals?

Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list; Q2 is occupied by journals in the 25 to 50% group; Q3 is occupied by journals in the 50 to 75% group and Q4 is occupied by journals in the 75 to 100% group. Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list.

How is impact factor calculated in Scopus?

Dear Ranvir Kaur For Scopus indexed journals, cite score is equivalent to WOS impact factor. Impact factor for any journal can be seen in the journal home page itself.

What is the impact factor of Elsevier journal?


Is it free to publish in Elsevier?

Publishing gold open access with Elsevier means that millions of researchers globally will be able to find and read your work, completely free.

Is Elsevier a sci Journal?

International Journal of Engineering Science – Elsevier.

Is Elsevier journal free?

All articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

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