What is feudalism economy?
Feudalism: A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century based on holding all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture. Vassals were in a somewhat higher class than peasants.
What type of economy were feudal manors based on?
A lord’s estate which included one or more villages and the surrounding lands. A peasant bound to the lord’s land. What was the relationship between lords and vassal? The political and economic relationship between lords and vassals was based on the exchange of land for loyalty and military service.
Why did feudalism emerge as a political and economic system?
Beginning in the late 700s C.E., large numbers of invaders raided villages throughout Europe. This resulted in a collapse of law and order, a decline in trade, and collapse of local economies. They created a system of military and political relationships called feudalism. …
What does serfdom mean?
: the condition of a tenant farmer bound to a hereditary plot of land and to the will of a landlord : the state or fact of being a serf Despite obvious personal repugnance for serfdom, she enhanced the powers of nobles to demand more labor from their ill-treated and unorganized serfs.—
Why did feudalism flourish in Eastern Europe when it collapsed in Western Europe?
The fall of the Roman Empire led to a period of uncertainty and danger. Europeans developed the system of feudalism to help provide economic and social stability and safety. Feudalism​ The feudal system arose as a way of protecting property and creating stability. It was based on loyalty and personal relationships.
What factors led to the rise of feudalism in Europe?
the central government of Europe collapsed. As the Vikings invaded western European kingdoms, local nobles took over the duty of raising armies and protecting their property. Power passed from kings to local lords, giving rise to a system known as feudalism.
What is below a serf?
Bordars and cottagers Status-wise, the bordar or cottar ranked below a serf in the social hierarchy of a manor, holding a cottage, garden and just enough land to feed a family.
What did the Kings Grant to the nobles?
To raise an army, and ensure that they could control the area, the monarch would grant fiefs of land to nobles. In exchange for the land, the noble pledged loyalty to the monarch and promised to fight for the lord when called. A noble who pledge loyalty became a VASSEL of the monarch.
What was a Lord’s responsibility?
Were bound to the land they worked in return for?
4) Serfs were bound to the land. They worked in return for protection.