Why is the Parthenon considered perfect?

Why is the Parthenon considered perfect?

The Parthenon is a masterpiece of symmetry and proportion. The Parthenon shows how brilliantly the Greeks had mastered geometric principles. They saw mathematics as a means to understand the Divine. They achieved global perfection through deliberate departure from local precision.

What is the most famous piece of Greek architecture?

Perhaps the fullest, and most famous, expression of Classical Greek temple architecture is the Periclean Parthenon of Athens—a Doric order structure, the Parthenon represents the maturity of the Greek classical form.

What 2 roots are in Acropolis and what do they mean?

Origin of acropolis From Ancient Greek ἀκρόπολις (akropolis), from ἄκρος (akros, “topmost”, “tip”, “summit”) + πόλις (polis, “city”).

What does acropolis mean in English?

: the upper fortified part of an ancient Greek city (such as Athens) also : a usually fortified height of a city or district elsewhere (as in Central America)

What word is similar to Acropolis?


  • acropolis.
  • alcazar.
  • château.
  • citadel.
  • donjon.
  • estate house.
  • fasthold.
  • fastness.

What does Athen mean?

Definitions of Athens. noun. the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess) “in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world’s most powerful and civilized city” synonyms: Athinai, Greek capital, capital of Greece.

How much did Spartan shields weigh?

The aspis measured at least 0.9 metres (2 ft 11 in) in diameter and weighed about 7.3 kilograms (16 lb), and it was about 25–38 millimetres (0.98–1.50 in) thick. This large shield was made possible partly by its shape, which allowed it to be supported comfortably on the shoulder.

How big was a Spartan?

Spartans were rich, literally every Spartan was so they likely grew up nourished and not malnourished. Meaning they grew up to the regular height of their genetics from 175–190 or 5′7 – 6′2, not much shorter or taller.

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