What instructions does Athena give Telemachus?
Terms in this set (8) List the instructions Athena gives Telemachus to help him return safely home: She also warns him of the ambush that they have set and explains how to avoid it. Finally, she instructs him to head first for the home of the swineherd Eumaeus, who will convey the news of his safe return to Penelope.
How does Athena help Odysseus?
Athena helps Odysseus a final time by preventing a civil war on Ithaca. She gives his father the strength to strike down the leader of the suitors’ families, then commands the people of Ithaca to disperse and accept Odysseus as their returned king.
What is Nestor’s reaction to Athena?
After they have spoken with Nestor, Athena “flies away in the form of an eagle,” at which Nestor is “astonished.” He has already told Telemachus that no god has ever been as fond of a human as Athena once was of Telemachus’s father; having discovered Athena’s identity, he is “astonished” and tells Telemachus that he …
What does Athena say and do to Odysseus?
Athena. What does Athena tell Odysseus to do? She tells him to no longer disguise himself to Telemachus and make a plan to kill the suitors with him.
Who does Athena disguise herself as in Book 2?
Is Athena in love with Odysseus?
Athena explains why she is so fond of Odysseus. Their relationship is one of mutual respect, based on their shared skill as talkers and schemers. Interestingly, Athena does not champion Odysseus because he is a good man, or because he is her devout worshipper, but rather because they share similar traits.
Why did Athena kill Telegonus?
A prophecy foretells that Odysseus will be killed by his son and Athena gets involved, trying to kill Telegonus before he can do any harm. Circe tries to hide him from the goddess as best as he can but he wishes to leave and find his father.
Why does Athena and Poseidon hate each other?
The real answer is because Poseiden raped Medusa in Athena’s temple. Poseidon, being the king of the sea, was unable to be punished by Athena, so she punished Medusa instead, which was just because of a patriarchal and sexist writer and society. Poseidon hated her for this, and she hated him.
How did Odysseus prove his identity to Penelope?
Odysseus gets angry. He explains that he built their bedroom around an ancient olive tree, and used the top of the tree to make their bedpost. He is angry because he believes Penelope must have replaced this bed with a movable one. His anger, and the fact that he knows the story of the bed, proves his identity.
What is Penelope compared to in the final lines?
Penelope is being compared to an island which shipwrecked sailors finally find: “…his dear wife, clear and faithful, in his arms, longed for as the sun-warmed earth is longed for by a swimmer spent in rough water where his ship went down under Poseidon’s blows…” (B. 23, lns.
Why is Penelope mad at the gods?
She is saying that humans have very little control over what they’re going to do when the gods make their decision. Penelope wanted to make sure that she wasn’t being manipulated by the gods. Who is responsible for holding Dawn at bay while Penelope and Odysseus spend their first night together?
What secret finally convinces Penelope that Odysseus is really himself?
A swallow. What finally convinces Penelope that Odysseus is her husband? He is able to describe in detail how he made the bed.
How did Penelope trick the suitors?
Many suitors had come to woo “the widow”. She put them off with a ruse, persuading them to wait until she had finished a funeral shroud for Laertes, Odysseus’s father, which she wove by day and secretly unravelled by night. In this way she managed to deceive them for three years.
Why does Penelope devise the contest with the bow?
why do you think Penelope devises the contest with the bow? Penelope knows that Odysseus is the only one who can shoot the arrow through the 12 arrowheads. she makes it so that she won’t have to marry someone else. this reveals that she is clever.
What finally makes Odysseus angry with Penelope?
She refuses to recognize him. It appears to him that she forgot the bed won’t move. She is angry at Odysseus for killing the suitors.
Why does Odysseus believe that no one but a god could move his bed?
Who first gives food and shelter to Odysseus on Ithaca? Why does Odysseus believe that no one but a god could have moved his bed? because he built it from a tree still rooted in the ground. How does Circe both hinder and help Odysseus?
Why is Penelope so cautious when confronted by Odysseus?
Explanation: She had many suitors and many impersonators of Odysseus came to her house. She just wasn’t sure that the actual Odysseus was really himself and therefore, acted differently than the usual towards him until she found out that he really was her husband.
What did Penelope tell Eurycleia?
To assure herself of Odysseus’ identity, Penelope tests him. As he listens, she asks Eurycleia to move the bedstead out of the couple’s chamber and spread it with blankets. The king himself had carved the bed as a young man, shaping it out of a living olive tree that grew in the courtyard of the palace.
What test does Penelope give the suitors?
What challenge does Penelope create for the suitors? Whoever could string Odysseus’ bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe handles would be able to marry her.
Which condition did Penelope give the suitors to win her hand in marriage?
The suitors must string Odysseus’s hunting now that he knew how to string. After that, they have to shoot an arrow through twelve axe handles. If they completed this, they would win her hand in marriage.
How did Penelope delay marriage for 3 years?
For three years, Penelope has put off choosing a husband among the suitors by saying that she must first finish weaving a shroud for Laertes. Each day she weaves and each night she unravels her day’s work. Thus she delays for three years until a treacherous maid spills the beans.
Who does Penelope say she will marry?
The test of the bow is Penelope’s test for the suitors. She claims that she will marry the man who can complete this test because he will be much like Odysseus. The man who completes this will be able to string Odysseus’ bow. Then, he will shoot an arrow through twelve ax head handles.
Why did the suitors want to marry Penelope?
Odysseus’ wife Penelope has suitors because of Odysseus’ long absence. They assume that he is dead, and they hope to marry Penelope to inherit all that she has. The suitors believe Odysseus to be dead. They wish to inherit his vast fortune and kingdom.
Why did Penelope finish the shroud?
To delay her remarriage, Penelope tells her suitors that she will not choose a future husband until she has finished weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law.
How does Penelope avoid marrying the suitors?
Penelope stalls the suitors for three years by saying that she would marry when she is finished weaving a shroud for Odysseus’s family. She would weave during the day and undo her work at night, so she would never finish. NOTE: The burial shroud will be the final act of respect for Odysseus’s family.
Why did Penelope wait for Odysseus?
To spare herself their importunities she insists that they wait until she has woven a shroud for Laertes, father of Odysseus.
Why does Odysseus lie to Penelope?
Having been away from home for twenty years, Odyssey doesn’t immediately reveal his identity to Penelope because he needs to ensure that he can trust her and that she remains loyal to him.