Which conflict style has a high concern for others and a low concern for self?

Which conflict style has a high concern for others and a low concern for self?

Accommodating. The accommodating conflict management style indicates a low concern for self and a high concern for other and is often viewed as passive or submissive, in that someone complies with or obliges another without providing personal input.

Which approach to conflict has a low concern for yourself and a low concern for others quizlet?

An avoidance conflict management style reflects low concern for the self but high concern for the other person.

What are two dimensions of conflict that make up the 5 conflict styles?

The model organizes 5 conflict management styles based on two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness.

What is parallel conflict?

A parallel conflict is triggered when one of your teams is connected to a board that has multiple active sprints, which have overlapping start and end dates. If one sprint ends on the same day as another start, this will also be treated as a conflict.

What is the inability or unwillingness to express thoughts or feelings in a conflict?

Assertive Communication: A style of communicating that directly expresses the sender’s needs, thoughts, or feelings, delivered in a way that does not attack the receiver. Nonassertion: The inability or unwillingness to express one’s thoughts or feelings.

Which is the strongest confirming response?


Which can make communication easier?

Making Your Communication Easier

  • Gain attention. It is important to gain the attention of the listener before you begin speaking.
  • Make eye contact. We hear with our eyes as well as our ears.
  • Speak naturally and clearly.
  • Repeat and rephrase.
  • Avoid background noise.

What refers to the emotional tone of a relationship?

communication climate. refers to the emotional tone of a relationship, expressed in the messages that the partners send and recieve. confirming messages. is a message that expresses value, respect, and appreciation of the other person. You just studied 74 terms!

What is the emotional tone of a relationship and reflects how people in a relationship feel about each other?

A communication climate is the social tone of a relationship. It’s how people interact with each other within their relationships.

What Gibb describes as spontaneity means saying the first thing that comes into your mind?

Spontaneity simply means being honest with others rather than manipulating them.

Does the term communication climate refers to the emotional tone of a relationship?

Communication Climate. The emotional tone of a relationship between people. It affects how people feel and interact with one another. Defensive Climate- Evaluation. We tend to feel defensive when others evaluate us.

How does defensiveness affect communication?

As a person becomes more defensive, he or she becomes less and less able to perceive accurately the message and the motives of the speaker. On the other hand, supportive, non-threatening communication reduces the likelihood of distorted perceptions on the part of the listener.

What is a tangential response?

tangential response. acknowledging a person’s message but immediately taking the conversation in a different direction. Impersonal response. When a person give a monologue (talking at length about one’s own concerns rather than participating in conversational give-and-take)

What is Disconfirmation in communication?

Disconfirmation- Messages sent to another that communicate they are not valued by the sender.

What are the three types of disagreeing messages?

Argumentativeness:presenting and defending positions on issues while attacking positions taken by others. 3 increasingly positive types of messages have the best chance of being confirming: recognition, acknowledgement, endorsement.

What are the two types of communication climate?

Let’s look at two different types of communication climates: Confirming and Disconfirming climates.

What does Disconfirmation mean?

transitive verb. : to deny or refute the validity of.

What is Disconfirmation in psychology?

Disconfirmation bias refers to the tendency for people to extend critical scrutiny to information which contradicts their prior beliefs and accept uncritically information that is congruent with their prior beliefs.

What is positive Disconfirmation?

Positive disconfirmation occurs when performance is perceived to be better than the predetermined expectations. In this scenario, customer is delighted. Zero disconfirmation occurs when performance is perceived to be exactly equal to expectations-customers are likely to be satisfied.

How is Disconfirmation different from rejection?

Note that rejection is not the same as disconfirmation, in rejection, you disagree with the person; you indicate your unwillingness to accept something the other person says or does. However, you do not deny that person’s significance.

What are confirming responses?

What is a Confirming Response? A confirming response is a statement or behavior that causes another person to value him/herself more.

What is Disconfirmation and confirmation?

255 Churchill and Surprenant (1982) defined disconfirmation as the difference between expected performance (expectations) and perceived performance. If the good performs just as expected the individual’s expectations are confirmed and if the good performs better than expected, the individual is positively disconfirmed.

What is Disconfirmation quizlet?

Disconfirmation. communication pattern in which we ignore someone’s presence as well as that person’s message.

What are the types of Disconfirming messages?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Evaluative. convey judgement of whats right and wrong, good and bad.
  • Control. attempt to improve ideas on others and coerce others to agree.
  • Strategy. suggest the speaker is trying to direct others behaviors.
  • Neutrality. imply indifference or a lack of interest in others.
  • Superiority.
  • Certainty.

What is an incongruous response quizlet?

Incongruous Response. A disconfirming response in which two messages, one of which is usually nonverbal, contradict one another.

What is an ambiguous response?

open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal: an ambiguous answer. of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify: a rock of ambiguous character.

In what way does providing confirming responses relate to Monologism?

In what way does providing confirming responses relate to monologism? The ability to provide confirming responses depends on effective and empathic listening skills within a dialogue. The use of these skills requires us to set out own internal monologue aside and become other-oriented.

When a speaker engages in nonverbal behavior that contradicts his/her verbal behavior the response may be called an impersonal response?

When a speaker engages in nonverbal behavior that contradicts his/her verbal behavior, the response may be called irrelevant. Mediating and coordinating are process leadership behaviors.

What are the three elements involved in being a truly competent communicator?

Researchers have broken down the characteristics of competent communicators into five (5) areas: self-awareness, adaptability, empathy, cognitive complexity, and ethics. We shall define and discuss each, in turn.

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