Which country has the worlds largest Constitution?

Which country has the worlds largest Constitution?


Which is the shortest constitution in the world?

Indonesian Constitution of 1945

Which countries have no constitution?

The UK along with New Zealand and Israel are the only three countries in the world to have an uncodified or ‘unwritten’ constitution.

What happens if there is no constitution in a country?

If there is no constitution, then there will be lack of rules and regulations. Justice will be denied to the people and a chaotic situation will prevail in the absence of laws because Constitution is the source of laws.In the absence of a Constitution it will be difficult for a country to sustain in the long run.

What are the disadvantages of unwritten constitution?

Disadvantages of an unwritten constitution

  • It is usually unclear and uncertain.
  • Difficult to ascertain the unconstitutionality of an act.
  • Not suitable for a federal system of government.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a unwritten constitution?

An uncodified constitution has the advantages of elasticity, adaptability and resilience. A significant disadvantage, however, is that controversies may arise due to different understandings of the usages and customs which form the fundamental provisions of the constitution.

What are some examples of unwritten constitution?

The Unwritten Constitution

  • The Cabinet – George Washington’s first task as President of the United States was to appoint Secretaries (heads) of each of the executive departments.
  • The Electoral College Promise – When the Electoral College originally voted it was on its own.

What is the main features of Constitution?

Three main characteristics of a constitution are treated: (1) a constitution is a supreme law of the land, (2) a constitution is a framework for government; (3) a constitution is a legitimate way to grant and limit pow- ers of government officials.

What is meant by unwritten constitution?

An uncodified constitution is a type of constitution where the fundamental rules often take the form of customs, usage, precedent and a variety of statutes and legal instruments. A country with an uncodified constitution lacks a specific moment where the principles of its government were deliberately decided.

What led to the making of the Constitution?

Below are some of the important dates that led to the creation of the Constitution: 1775 — The Revolutionary War between the Colonies and Britain begins. 1781 — The last battle of the Revolutionary War takes place; the 13 states set up a federal government under laws called the Articles of Confederation.

How long did it take to write the constitution?

The Constituent Assembly took almost three years (two years, eleven months and seventeen days to be precise) to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India. During this period, it held eleven sessions covering a total of 165 days.

Which organ of the government has the power to interpret the Constitution?

The Supreme Court

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