Which US states are on the equator?
The U.S. state closest to the equator is Hawaii. At its southernmost tip, the island state has a latitude of just under 19 degrees North latitude….
Is USA north of the equator?
How far is Usa from the equator and on what hemisphere is it? Usa is 2,747.15 mi (4,421.12 km) north of the equator, so it is located in the northern hemisphere.
How many countries pass through the equator?
13 countries
Is America above equator?
Within the northern hemisphere, oceanic currents can change the weather patterns that affect many factors within the north coast. Such events include ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Trade winds blow from east to west just above the equator. Europe and North America are entirely on Earth’s Northern Hemisphere.
What cities sit on the equator?
Largest cities straddling the Equator
- Quito, Ecuador: 2,671,191 (2011)
- Kampala, Uganda: 1,659,600 (2012)
- Pekanbaru, Indonesia: 1,093,416 (2014)
- Padang, Indonesia: 1,024,906 (2014)
- Libreville, Gabon: 797,003 (2012)
- Pontianak, Indonesia: 573,751 (2014)
- Kisumu, Kenya: 409,928 (2009)
- Macapa, Brazil: 397,913 (2010)
Why do people live on the equator?
Scientists say countries closer to the equator have many other reasons to cheer up. They say the region is on the western side of the subtropical anticyclones and thus receives warm and humid air from the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, areas in Brazil adjacent to the Tropics are extremely fertile for agriculture.
Is Singapore close to the equator?
Singapore, city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, about 85 miles (137 kilometres) north of the Equator.
Where can you stand on the equator?
Visiting the Equator at Zero Latitude The Middle of the World (Mitad del Mundo) where you can stand with one foot in the northern hemisphere and one foot in the southern hemisphere.
Can you walk on the equator?
If you’ve ever dreamed of walking on the equator, head to Mitad del Mundo in Quito, Ecuador. Mitad del Mundo literally means ‘half of the world’, though most people translate it as ‘middle of the world’ (Middle Earth anyone? No?). Because of this divisional line, you can be in two places at once!
Can u go to the equator?
There are only 13 countries in the world, that the equator passes through. So when you visit one of them, especially the one that got its name from being located on the equator, it’s almost obligatory to visit.
How hot is it at the equator?
Average annual temperatures in equatorial lowlands are around 31 °C (88 °F) during the afternoon and 23 °C (73 °F) around sunrise. Rainfall is very high away from cold ocean current upwelling zones, from 2,500 to 3,500 mm (100 to 140 in) per year.
What happens when you cross the equator?
It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. When a ship crosses the equator, King Neptune comes aboard to exercise authority over his domain and to judge charges brought against Pollywogs that they are only posing as sailors and haven’t paid proper homage to the god of the sea.
Does the equator have seasons?
Equatorial Climates Twice a year, during the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun passes directly over the Equator. Even during the rest of the year, equatorial regions often experience a hot climate with little seasonal variation. As a result, many equatorial cultures recognize two seasons—wet and dry.
What are you called if you cross the equator?
Sailors who have already crossed the Equator are nicknamed Shellbacks, Trusty Shellbacks, Honorable Shellbacks, or Sons of Neptune. Those who have not crossed are nicknamed Pollywogs, or Slimy Pollywogs.
What is a Golden Shellback mean?
In the U.S. Navy, when a ship crosses the equator a time-honored ceremony takes place. This is a Navy tradition and an event no sailor ever forgets. A Golden Shellback is one who has crossed the equator at the 180th meridian.
What cruises cross the equator?
Top ships in Cross The Equator
- Seabourn Quest.
- Seabourn Sojourn.
- Seabourn Venture.
Why is it called a Shellback?
SHELLBACKS – A PROUD NAVAL HISTORY The ceremony observes a mariner’s transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn’t crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness.
What’s the difference between shellback and Golden Shellback?
Shellback variations. The shellback is simple enough: a sailor on official duty “crosses the line” of the equator. A golden shellback is more impressive; it means they’ve crossed at or near the International Date Line.
What is a Shellback?
1 : an old or veteran sailor. 2 : a person who has crossed the equator and been initiated in the traditional ceremony.
What is a horned shellback?
For instance, those who cross the 180-degree Prime Meridian and the Equator at the same time become Golden Shellbacks. Or, if you round the Horn and cross the Equator on the same voyage, you are duly honored as a Horned Shellback.
What is a blue nose in the Navy?
A Bluenose, sometimes incorrectly referred to as a Rednose, is simply a sailor who’s crossed the Arctic Circle, above 66°34′N. Just like crossing the equator, there’s a Line-crossing ceremony, and once you’re done, congratulations, you’re a certified Bluenose.
What are the different types of Shellbacks?
There are the Pollywogs (sailors who have not crossed the equator), the trusty Shellbacks (sailors who have crossed the equator), King Neptune (highest ranking Shellback), and his royal court.
What is the raging main?
Raging Main. All the ocean areas of the world.
What is the Ancient Order of the Deep?
This Shellback Ancient Order Of The Deep US Navy Patch was designed for those that crossed the equatorial line and went from Pollywog to Trusty Shellback. A tradition found among the Sailors and Marines of the US Military. This Shellback patch measures 5 inches and is fully embroidered with a heat seal backing.
What is the order of the blue nose?
The Collection An ‘Order of the Blue Nose’ certificate, awarded to sailors to mark their first crossing of the Arctic Circle. Such certificates were unofficial and the design was unique to individual ships.
What is Imperium Neptuni Regis?
The large banner reading Imperium Neptuni Regis, translates to “The Empire of King Neptune” and the graphics depict a sea world.
What is the Domain of Neptunus Rex?
The certificate of the “Domain of Neptunus Rex” also known as the “Order of Shellback,” was issued to Seaman Paul Leoni of Chicago, who crossed the equator for the first time, and was thus inducted into the “Royal Order of the Mysteries of the Deep,” passing from pollywog status to shellback.
What is King Neptunes Court?
One such tradition is the King Neptune ceremony when crossing the equator aboard ship. An experienced sailor dresses as Neptune; another cross-dresses as Queen Amphitrite, a third appears as Davy Jones. They form a kangaroo court to sit in judgment of those who have not yet crossed the equator.