What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 320 radial?

What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 320 radial?

What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 320° radial of Savannah VORTAC (area 3) and the 191° radial of Allendale VOR (area 1)? 196°. (Refer to Figure 23.)

What course should be selected on the OBS to make a direct flight from Mercer County Regional Airport to the Minot Vortac?

(Refer to figure 22.) What course should be selected on the omnibearing selector (OBS) to make a direct flight from Mercer County Regional Airport (area 3) to the Minot VORTAC (area 1) with a TO indication? A) 359°.

What is the magnetic bearing from the station?

Magnetic bearing to the station is the direction you must travel to fly to the station. On a fixed scale ADF. it is computed by adding the magnetic heading to the relative bearing. On an RMI; it is indicated by the needle.

How do you find the magnetic bearing to the station?

Magnetic Bearing (MB) – Magnetic Bearing TO the station is the actual heading you would have to fly to the station. If you turn right from your present heading to fly to the station, you are adding the number of degrees of turn to your heading. To find Magnetic Bearing FROM the station, just subtract or add 180°.

Are VOR magnetic or true?

VOR degrees are magnetic, not true, so you can read your magnetic course for that location right from the VOR rose. Again, the difference between the true course you’ve drawn on your chart and the magnetic course that runs through the VOR rose is the magnetic variation.

How do you identify ADF?

Shown by the indicator needle on the ADF….ADF Indicator:

  1. Displays the bearing to the station relative to the nose of the aircraft.
  2. A fixed card bearing indicator always represents the nose of the aircraft as North and the tail as South (0° representing the nose of the airplane, and 180° representing the tail).

What should the airborne accuracy of a VOR be?


What course should the VOR receiver OBS set to navigate direct from Hampton Varnville?

On what course should the VOR receiver (OBS) be set to navigate direct from Hampton Varnville Airport (area 1) to Savannah VORTAC (area 3)? 195°. You just studied 17 terms!

What is the magnetic heading for a flight from Priest River?

What is the magnetic heading for a flight from Priest River Airport (area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3)? The wind is from 030° at 12 knots, and the true airspeed is 95 knots. A) 118°…. PAR PRG PRH RPA RPG RPH PAT PGT PHT
Knowledge Code: H987

What is the estimated time en route for a flight from Denton area 1 to Addison area 2 )? The wind is from 200 at 20 knots the true airspeed is 110?

(Refer to figure 26.) What is the estimated time en route for a flight from Denton Muni (area 1) to Addison (area 2)? The wind is from 200° at 20 knots, the true airspeed is 110 knots, and the magnetic variation is 7° east. A) 13 minutes….

Oil, 8 qt

What is the estimated time en route from Sandpoint Airport Area 1 to St Maries Airport Area 4 )? The wind is from 215 at 25 knots and the true AI?

What is the estimated time en route from Sandpoint Airport (area 1) to St. Maries Airport (area 4)? The wind is from 215° at 25 knots, and the true airspeed is 125 knots. A) 38 minutes.

How far will an aircraft travel in 7.5 minutes with a ground speed of 114 knots?

14.25 nautical miles

How far will an aircraft travel in 2 1 2 minutes with a groundspeed of 98 knots?

To determine the distance traveled in 2-1/2 minutes at 98 knots, note that 98 knots is 1.6 NM/minute (98 ÷ 60 = 1.633). Thus, in 2-1/2 minutes, you will have traveled a total of 4.08 NM (1.633 × 2.5 = 4.08).

How far will an aircraft travel in 3 1 2 minutes if its groundspeed 165 knots?

How far will an aircraft travel in 3-1/2 minutes if its groundspeed is 165 knots? A) 9.6 NM. B) 5.8 NM….

Distance between X and Y 27 NM
True course 100°

What effect does high density altitude have on aircraft performance?

Because high density altitude has a detrimental impact on aircraft performance. It reduces lift and impairs propeller efficiency, reducing thrust as a result. High density altitude can also decrease the engine’s power output.

What would increase the density altitude?

Both an increase in the temperature and a decrease in the atmospheric pressure, and, to a much lesser degree, an increase in the humidity, will cause an increase in the density altitude. In hot and humid conditions, the density altitude at a particular location may be significantly higher than the true altitude.

Why does true airspeed increase with altitude?

For a given power setting, True Airspeed increases with altitude because there is less drag due to the air being less dense. Aircraft are more efficient at high altitude because of this simple fact.

Why is tas higher than IAS?

As you climb less pressure is exerted on to the Pitot tube so the IAS decreases however TAS increases. That is why planes fly so high because there are fewer molecules and so less drag and so you’re able to decrease fuel consumption. In order to fly the same IAS you have to fly faster so also groundspeed increases.

What happens to stall speed as altitude increases?

Since the applicable True Airspeed for a ‘low speed’ stall increases as altitude increases, and the reference speed for higher altitude flight is Mach Number rather than Indicated Airspeed, the minimum cruise speed as altitude increases begins to approach the Mmo (the maximum operating Mach Number).

Does true airspeed increase with temperature?

As well as wind, temperature and altitude also affects true airspeed. When altitude or air temperature increase the density of air decreases and so true airspeed increases.

Does Mach number increase with temperature?

So, in short – the hotter the air, the higher the Mach number, and the faster you must travel over the ground to break the sound barrier. Also – sudden changes of temperature can change the way a jet engine works, but usually that kind of problem is only caused by other jet engines.

What is the difference between true airspeed and groundspeed?

As mentioned above, true airspeed is simply the speed at which an aircraft is moving relative to the air it is flying in. As such, it’s also the speed at which the air is flowing around the aircraft’s wings. Ground speed, on the other hand, is the aircraft’s speed relative to the ground.

Can Tas be less than IAS?

At sea level in the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) (ISA), and at slow speeds where air compressibility is negligible, IAS corresponds to TAS. The ASI will indicate less than TAS when the air density decreases due to increase in altitude or temperature. For this reason, TAS cannot be measured directly.

Can IAS be higher than TAS?

At low altitudes, such as those usually used by private pilots, TAS and IAS are very similar, but they can vary quite a lot as aircraft fly higher. As an approximate rule of thumb, the difference is about 2% per 1000 ft up to about 10,000 ft, so an IAS of 150 kts equates to a TAS of around 180 kts at 10,000 ft.

How do you calculate TAS from IAS?

Read your altitude above Mean Sea Level (MSL) on your altimeter, based on the proper altimeter setting. Mathematically increase your indicated airspeed (IAS) by 2% per thousand feet of altitude to obtain the true airspeed (TAS).

What is TAS speed?

The true airspeed (TAS; also KTAS, for knots true airspeed) of an aircraft is the speed of the aircraft relative to the air mass through which it is flying.

What does TAS stand for?


Acronym Definition
TAS Transaction Advisory Services
TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service
TAS Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (French: Court of Arbitration for Sport)
TAS The American Scene

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