Where does the poet use repetition in fifteen?

Where does the poet use repetition in fifteen?

This is an example of a metaphor in which the poet compares the motorcycle to a friend. “I was fifteen.” This is an example of repetition since it’s at the end of stanzas 1-3.

What is the conflict for the speaker in the poem fifteen?

Setting: “South of the bridge on Seventeenth.” Situation: An eager 15 year old boy wants to ride a motorcycle and live the freedom of adults. There is an internal conflict in the poem, and this is symbolically shown with a motorcycle. The boy is conflicted by this chose of freedom.

What is the poem 15 about?

A kid of the age of 15 finds a motorcycle still running on the side of the road. Her admires the bike and picks it up, giving into his temptation, even though he’s scared still. While he’s wheeling it out, he finds the owner recovering from a crash.

What is the mood of Stafford’s poem fifteen?

“Fifteen” is generally considered one of the finest poems in the collection, and typifies Stafford’s sparse and simple narrative style, his friendly and conversational tone, his theme of self-reconciliation and regeneration through self-questioning and the process of discovery.

What does the motorcycle represent in fifteen?

In the third stanza of “Fifteen,” what does the speaker imagine doing with the motorcycle? He was imagining that he could ride the motorcycle and find the end of a road. What does the motorcycle represent to the speaker? His aspirations and what he can reach in life in the future.

What is the setting of the poem fifteen?

The setting of the poem is on the side of the road next to a motorcycle accident. He calls the motorcycle a “companion”, also the author gives a human characteristic to the headlight.

Where does the poet use repetition in fifteen quizlet?

For example in “Fifteen” the author repeats at the end of each verse “I was fifteen”. . In Stafford’s poem, I thought the line “I admire all that pulsing gleam, the shiny flanks the demure headlights fringed where it lay” because I could picture a bunch of gleaming light coming from the bike.

What is the definition for Stanza?

In poetry, a stanza is used to describe the main building block of a poem. It is a unit of poetry composed of lines that relate to a similar thought or topic—like a paragraph in prose or a verse in a song. Every stanza in a poem has its own concept and serves a unique purpose.

What is the overall theme of the poem piano by DH Lawrence?

The main theme of the poem “Piano” is the nostalgia that the speaker feels for his childhood with his mother. He describes the childhood as somewhat idyllic, in “the cosy parlour” with “winter outside” and his mother playing and singing at the piano.

Why is the piano such an important image in the poem?

The piano, central to the poem’s narrative, is symbolic of D. H. Lawrence’s childhood. The poet took piano lessons as a child but discontinued it as he became older. The piano and the abrupt ending to his musical studies also symbolize the division between childhood dreams and the reality one must live in adulthood.

What was poet DH Lawrence’s purpose in writing the poem piano?

Poet D. H. Lawrence’s aim in the poem “Piano” was to convey to his readers’ the joys of childhood. The narrator in this poem talks of being transported in his mind to a time when he would sit comfortably and joyously under the piano in his home.

What is the mood of the poem piano?

It is a memory poem that draw the adult back to his mother’s piano. The tone is intimate and yearning. Everything in the poem inspires the feelings of love and wistfulness for the time in the past that was special to the speaker. The music that he hears is soft as the woman sings to him.

What is the meaning of the poem piano?

‘Piano’ by D.H. Lawrence is a powerful and emotional poem about the past. It uses childhood memories and nostalgia to move the reader. In Lawrence’s works, emotion tends to win over thought, as feelings and sentiments are more powerful than rational thinking.

Why does the poet call the singing of the woman vain?

The speaker is saying that it is in vain for the singer to try and entertain enthusiastically. The singing and music has taken the adult man down childhood memory lane. The speaker is reminiscing about childhood days and cannot help but weep.

Why does the speaker of the poem piano weep at the end?

In the poem “Piano,” the speaker weeps like a child because he misses his mother and his childhood.

What does the speaker mean by the phrase heart of me?

a) What does the speaker mean by the phrase ‘heart of me’? — By the phrase ‘heart of me’ the poet here is referring to his heart which yearns to be a child again by his mother’s side.

What activity in the past does the speaker seem to be weeping for?

Answer: Believing he had escaped those days, the speaker in D.H. Lawrence’s “Piano” begins to “weep like a child for the past”. In the opening of the poem, the speaker is struck by the woman’s singing.

What did the speaker long for?

Answer: First, the speaker is feeling various emotions as the poem progresses. He is nostalgic for the past; the music from the piano transports him back to his childhood, where he is once again a child… In this poem, the speaker recalls his childhood.

What is the speaker last bargain Why does he call it the best?

Why does he call it the best? Answer: The speaker’s final bargain is with a child playing with shells on the sea beach. The child has nothing to pay in return.

Who is speaker in the poem?

Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a speaker–someone who is the voice of the poem. Often times, the speaker is the poet. Other times, the speaker can take on the voice of a persona–the voice of someone else including animals and inanimate objects.

What lesson did the speaker ultimately learn?

What lesson did the speaker ultimately learn? -) The speaker ultimately learnt that one should base his judgement on circumstances and circumstances alone.

What was the speaker referring to as extreme carelessness?

The actual expression is “willful carelessness” and is spoken by Norman Gortsby. He’s in conversation with a young man who appears to be spinning him a shaggy-dog story about the hotel in which he was planning to stay being demolished (as well as his losing a bar of soap).

How does the writer bring out the irony using a cake of soap?

When Gortsby asks if the old man has lost anything, the man replies, “Yes, sir, a cake of soap.” The irony of this story is that Gortsby who is skilled in his perceptions of defeated people actually falls for the younger man’s story. Gortsby loans the younger man money he will never see again.

Why do you think the look of disarming frankness put the person on his guard?

He does as expected because he is amused. Whatever the young man is going to ask him for, the answer will be no. Gortsby is doubly suspicious and defensive with the young man’s response to his question: The young man turned to him with a look of disarming frankness which put him instantly on his guard.

Who does the dusk hour belong to?

Answer. Answer: The dusk hour belongs to those men and women who have been defeated in life because they are the kind of people who wish to hide in the half-light and shadows of this strange hour that is neither day nor night.

How does the narrator describe the dusk in and around the park?

Answer. the narrator described dusk as that time of the day when faces of people are hardly visible.It is the time when most of the oppresed and solitude people come out. The poet describes this as a sad time of the day.

What is the meaning of disarming frankness?

​the fact of being honest and direct in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like. They outlined their aims with disarming frankness.

What does candor mean?

Candor, related to the adjective candid, refers to straightforward honesty or frankness in speech or expression.

What is another word for frankness?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for frankness, like: honesty, directness, openness, sincerity, ingenuousness, outspokenness, forthrightness, candor, candour and candidness.

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