What type of unemployment arises when technology changes?

What type of unemployment arises when technology changes?

Structural unemployment is a direct result of shifts in the economy, including changes in technology or declines in an industry. Frictional unemployment is typically a temporary phenomenon, while structural unemployment can last for years.

How does unemployment change over the business cycle?

Unemployment increases during business cycle recessions and decreases during business cycle expansions (recoveries). Inflation decreases during recessions and increases during expansions (recoveries). With unemployment, less will be produced (point “D”).

Which action would be a change in the government’s fiscal policy?

Which action would be a change in the government’s fiscal policy? Fiscal policy is the process by which a government gathers and spends money. AN INCREASE IN TAXES would mean a change in fiscal policy.

Is Government Spending a Good Thing?

Education and training – If successfully targetted on improving skills and education, government spending can increase labour productivity and enable higher long-term economic growth. Infrastructure investment – Higher spending on roads and railways can help remove supply bottlenecks and enable greater efficiency.

What happens if the government spends too much money?

When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year, it runs a budget deficit. Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus. If government spending and taxes are equal, it is said to have a balanced budget.

Which of the following is the largest source of state revenue?

gross receipts taxes

Which is the richest state in India in 2020?

These are the 10 richest states in India by GDP

  • Maharashtra. GDP Rs 27.96 lakh crore — The economy of Maharashtra is the largest in India .
  • Tamil Nadu. GDP Rs 17.25 lakh crore — Tamil Nadu has the second-largest economy in India.
  • Karnataka.
  • Uttar Pradesh.
  • Gujarat.
  • West Bengal.
  • Andhra Pradesh.
  • Telangana.

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