What is the conflict between Jing-Mei and suyuan?
Jing-Mei does not understand that her mother wanted the best for her; Suyuan wanted Jing-Mei to challenge herself because that is how one builds up character. Suyuan thinks her daughter could do anything she proposed to do but never put enough effort into anything “Lazy to rise to expectations” (Tan 31).
What conflicts are apparent in chunk 3 What are the reasons for the conflicts in two kinds?
One conflict that is apparent in Chunk 3 is the struggle between what her mother wants for her and what Jing-mei perceives her mother’s wishes as.
What is the main source of conflict between Jing-Mei and her mother?
How does Jing-Mei win the disagreement over the piano lessons quizlet?
How does Jing-mei “win” the disagreement over the piano lessons? She appeals to her father, who takes Jing-mei’s side. She shocks her mother by mentioning the dead twin babies. She agrees to play the piano in a talent show.
Why does Jing-Mei refuse to take the piano lessons?
Why does Jing-mei refuse to take the piano lessons in the scene above? Jing-mei is certain, based on past experiences with her mother’s prodigy ideas, that she is going to fail at playing the piano. She doesn’t want to disappoint her mother and herself again, and she feels like her mother is expecting too much of her.
What motivates Jing-Mei for piano lessons?
Jing-mei’s mother wants her to continue playing the piano because if Jing-mei stops, she has won. Her mother wants an obedient daughter. She also has not given up on the idea that her daughter will be a success.
What does Jing-Mei want?
She wants to be perfect, to please her mother, and to win praise. But as her mother’s tests grow harder, her mother’s disappointment is evident, and, Jing-mei says, “something inside me began to die.” She goes to her room to cry, and she wails like an animal.
What does Jing-Mei believe in?
Jing-mei, she believes, is a leader — not a follower. Mrs. Woo gives her the jade necklace in order to bequeath this belief to her daughter. This necklace, worn against the skin, will hopefully transfer the family heritage from mother to daughter.
What does suyuan give Jing-Mei?
Answer: Two Kinds,” Suyuan gives her daughter, Jing-Mei, a piano. Clearly, then, this gift was bittersweet: her mother meant well by encouraging Jing-Mei to master the piano, but the manner of her expression caused serious conflict between the two women.
Why doesn’t suyuan use the dishes Jing-Mei gave her?
Why doesn’t Suyuan use the dishes Jing-mei gave her? Suyuan says she forgot she had them. She was saving them for a special occasion.
What is Jing-Mei’s best quality?
A few months before her death, Suyuan cooked a crab dinner for ten people to celebrate the Chinese New Year. As she and Jing-mei shopped together in Chinatown for the ingredients, Suyuan explained that the feistiest crabs are of the best quality; even beggars would reject a crab that has died before being cooked.
Why did suyuan actually leave her babies?
When Suyuan realized she had to abandon her twin daughters because she was too ill to carry them anymore, she left them with the means to be taken care of and eventually returned to her.
Why did the aunties give Jing-Mei $1200 in an envelope?
7. Why did “the aunties” give Jing-mei $1200 in an envelope? They collected the money so that Jing-mei could go to China and meet her half- sisters.
Why did an Mei’s mother poison herself?
In an article that Tan wrote for Life magazine in April 1991, she explained that Jing-mei “killed herself by swallowing raw opium buried in the New Year’s rice cake.” After her mother’s death, Daisy (Amy’s mother) married her abusive first husband in China and had three daughters.
What did suyuan leave with her babies on the side of the road?
Suyuan Woo left money, jewelry, and photos with her twin babies on the side of the road in China. In the message, she mentioned that the money and jewelry were to pay for the care of the infants. Before she walked away, Suyuan Woo wrote that the Li family would provide a reward for the safe return of the babies.
Who did Jing-Mei bring with her on her trip to China?
Canning Woo
What does Jing-Mei discover about herself?
In paragraph 15 of “Two Kinds,” Jing-mei discovers her rejection of a parent-pleasing self and her acceptance of a strong and autonomous identity. She admits to hating and resenting the tests that her mother administers in order to make her daughter into a prodigy.
How did an-MEI get her scar?
An-mei cried out for her mother, and a bowl of boiling soup spilled over her neck like a flood of boiling anger. Popo and the rest of the family chased An-mei’s mother away, and after a while, the burn wound turned into a scar.
What does Popo say to keep an-MEI alive?
Popo recognizes the seriousness of An-mei’s injury and tries to give her the will to live. What does she say to An-mei that helps her recover? She says that if An-mei dies, then her funeral will be very short, her mother will stop caring about her, and everyone’s mourning period will be short.
What is wrong with Popo The Joy Luck Club?
When An-mei turns nine, Popo becomes deathly ill and An-mei’s mother returns home to care for her, even going so far as to slice off some of her arm in an effort to make a healing brew. Unfortunately, the attempts to nurse Popo back to health aren’t enough, and Popo dies without ever reconciling with An-mei’s mother.
What is the issue conflict between Popo and an-MEI?
In the flashback, An-mei’s father is dead, and Popo wants An-mei to also think of her mother as dead because she brought great disgrace to the family by becoming a number-three concubine.
What two things did an-MEI throw out into the sea?
To the Dragon, An-mei made offerings of sweetened tea and a watery-blue sapphire ring, both of which she tossed into the ocean. She also voiced to Rose her belief that her nengkan, her “ability to do whatever she put her mind to,” would bring Bing back.
Who is Rose Hsu Jordan’s mom?
Rose’s mother, Mrs. Hsu, was displeased about the budding relationship because Ted was not Chinese, and Ted’s mother, Mrs. Jordan, was displeased because Rose was not American — she was Chinese.
Why did Lena start telling lies?
Why did Lena start telling lies? She started telling lies to prevent bad things from happening in the future. What was Lena’s great hope when the family moved out of Oakland? She lost her mother and father, her family home, her first husband, and her twin baby daughters.
What does an-MEI stand for?
act of sacrifice
Is Mei a male or female name?
Mei (Japanese: 芽衣, Mandarin: 美), is a feminine Japanese and Chinese given name.
Why does an-Mei’s mother want to take an-Mei with her?
The turtle said that whenever one cries, one is not washing away one’s sorrows but feeding another’s joy. For this reason, one must learn to swallow one’s own tears. An-mei’s mother wanted to take An-mei with her. An-mei’s uncle told her she would ruin her daughter’s life as she had ruined her own.