What is underdevelopment economy?
An underdeveloped economy is one in which the per-capita income and the standard of living of the people are low. According to the World Development Report 2011, economies having $995 or less are considered to be underdeveloped economies.
What are the economic indicators of underdevelopment?
Indicators of underdevelopment include: high birth rates, high infant mortality, undernourishment, a large agricultural and small industrial sector, low per capita GDP, high levels of illiteracy, and low life expectancy.
What is underdevelopment theory?
The theory visualizes development as a process in which less developed countries are caught up in dependence and dominance relationship with rich countries and these subordinate countries suffer from institutional and structural constraints. …
What is underdeveloped country in economics?
a country that is less developed economically than most others, with little industry and little money spent on education, health care, etc.: The money is earmarked for shares of companies in underdeveloped countries.
What are the reasons for underdevelopment?
Unemployment; Poverty; child marriage; Injustice; High population growth rate; illiteracy; Corruption; High Dependence on Agriculture; Economic inequality; Corruption; Lack of structural, institutional and technical change.
What is an example of an underdeveloped country?
The most underdeveloped countries in the world are referred to as the least developed countries or LDCs. According to the UN, there are 47 LDCs. Among these are Niger, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Chad, and Burundi.
Is Cuba a developed or developing country?
In 2019, Cuba ranked 70th out of 189 countries, with a Human Development Index of 0.783, placed in the high human development category. The country achieved more even distribution of income after the Cuban Revolution of 1953–1959, which was followed by an economic embargo by the United States (1960- ).