What do Saturn and Neptune have in common?

What do Saturn and Neptune have in common?

These are the small and rocky inner planets known as the terrestrial planets. After Mars, there is an asteroid belt that separates the inner planets from the outer ones. The outer planets are called the jovian planets, meaning huge gas giant.

What are 3 interesting facts about Saturn?

Here are 10 facts about Saturn, some you may know, and some you probably didn’t know.

  • Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System.
  • Saturn is a flattened ball.
  • The first astronomers thought the rings were moons.
  • Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.
  • Saturn has 62 moons.

What is Neptune’s fun facts?

More than 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth, Neptune is the only planet in our solar system not visible to the naked eye and the first predicted by mathematics before its discovery. In 2011 Neptune completed its first 165-year orbit since its discovery in 1846.

What are 5 interesting facts about Saturn?

Here are some fun facts about the Ringed Planet.

  • Saturn is huge.
  • You cannot stand on Saturn.
  • Its beautiful rings are not solid.
  • Some of these bits are as small as grains of sand.
  • The rings are huge but thin.
  • Other planets have rings.
  • Saturn could float in water because it is mostly made of gas.

Does it rain diamonds on Saturn?

On the planets Saturn and Jupiter, the huge lightning storms turn methane into soot (unburnt carbon particles). Thus, we can say that it literally rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.

Is there life on Saturn?

Saturn cannot support life as we know it, but some of Saturn’s moons have conditions that might support life.

Can you breath on Saturn?

Second, like the rest of the planet, the atmosphere on Saturn consists of roughly 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, which means there is little to no oxygen…which means there will be little to no breathing.

Can we walk on Saturn rings?

While they look like giant discs, they’re not a solid track at all. Instead, they’re made of millions of chunks of ice, some as tiny as dust particles, others as large as buses. But if you were able to hike on one of Saturn’s outermost rings, you’ll walk about 12 million kilometers to make it around the longest one.

Is there any oxygen on Saturn?

But in Saturn’s atmosphere, molecular oxygen was created without life present, through a chemical reaction with the sun’s radiation and icy particles that comprise Saturn’s rings. “That means you don’t need biology to produce an O2 atmosphere,” Waite said.

Can I walk on Saturn?

If you tried to walk on the surface of Saturn, you would fall into the planet, suffering higher temperatures and pressures until you were crushed inside the planet. Of course you can’t stand on the surface of Saturn, but if you could, you would experience about 91% of Earth’s gravity.

How would you die on Saturn?

There’d be a chance of electrocution, but if you survived that, you’d make it to the next layer. In the final layers of Saturn’s atmosphere, you would experience temperatures so high that you couldn’t survive. The conditions would erode your space suit and body away, just like they did to the Cassini probe.

Why can’t humans live on Saturn?

Saturn is one giant ball of gas. Saturn doesn’t have surface because it is a planet made of gas. we can not live on Saturn because the temperature on Saturn is -185C. That is because Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and earth is the third planet from the sun so earth is much warmer than Saturn.

Which planet spins the fastest?


What planet is the hottest?


Which planet rotates the slowest on its axis?

Why Jupiter spins so fast?

When Jupiter formed, it accreted its atmosphere (over 95% of the planet’s total mass!) from the hydrogen and helium gas in the protoplanetary disk surrounding our Sun. As Jupiter ate up this gas mass, it must have begun to spin faster as it also ate up the gas’s angular momentum.

Which planet rotates faster than Earth?

Earth rotates once in 24 hours; whereas, Jupiter rotates more quickly, taking only about 10 hours. This means that Jupiter rotates about 2 1/2 times faster than the Earth.

Which planet has longest day?

Option 2: A Table

Planet Day Length
Venus 5,832 hours
Earth 24 hours
Mars 25 hours
Jupiter 10 hours

Which planet has the longest year?


How long is 1 hour in space?

7 years

Is there a 9 planet?

The order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward is the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the possible Planet Nine. If you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list.

What planet takes 7 years to get to?

FAQ – Spacecraft

Spacecraft Target Time
Messenger Mercury 6.5 years
Cassini Saturn 7 years
Voyager 1 & 2 Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune 13,23 months; 3,4 years; 8.5 years; 12 years
New Horizons Pluto 9.5 years

What is the size of Saturn?

58,232 km

How long is 1 day on Neptune?

0d 16h 6m

What is my age on Mars?

A year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth—almost twice as long at 687 days. This is roughly 1.88 times the length of a year on Earth, so to calculate your age on Mars we simply have to divide your Earth age by 1.88.

How long is a year on Mars in Earth years?

687 days

Does Pluto age slower?

No. The time-dilation effect of Einstein’s relativity has nothing to do with space. It has to do with speed. The faster you’re moving, the slower time goes for you.

Do we age slower on other planets?

The rate at which you age does not change if you use another solar/planetary standard. Only the time measurement standard changes. For example, if you were on a planet that took 3 earth years to revolve around its sun and you used 1 revolution around its sun as a standard year, you would be 3 years older in earth time.

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