What is the density of PPC?

What is the density of PPC?

The densities of OPC and PPC concretes were found to be 1665.82 kg/m3 and 1761.31 kg/m3, respectively.

What is density of dry cement?

Cement Density measured in Kg/m3 (kilograms/cubic meter), density is the ratio of mass to volume. So the density of cement in kg/m3 is 1440, in another word, 1440 kg/m3 is the density of cement.

What is the specific gravity of OPC cement?


What is the bulk density of Portland cement?


Material Density (lb/ft3)
Cellulose, flocking 1.5 – 3
Cement powder, portland 85 – 95
Cement, clinker 75 – 90
Cereal flake 12

What is the density of fly ash?

For fly ash without close compaction, the bulk density (mass per unit volume including air between particles) can vary from 540 to 860 kg/m3 (34 to 54 lb/ft3), whereas with close packed storage or vibration, the range can be 1120 to 1500 kg/m3 (70 to 94 lb/ft3).

What is fly ash in cement?

Fly ash is a pozzolan, a substance containing aluminous and siliceous material that forms cement in the presence of water. When used in concrete mixes, fly ash improves the strength and segregation of the concrete and makes it easier to pump.

Why fly ash is used in cement?

Fly ash use in concrete improves the workability of plastic concrete, and the strength and durability of hardened concrete. When fly ash is added to concrete, the amount of portland cement may be reduced.

What is the pH of fly ash?

Depending on pH value and calcium/sulfur ratio, fly ashes are classified as acidic ash (pH 1.2 up to 7), mildly alkaline ash (pH 8–9), and strongly alkaline ash (pH 11–13) [23]. Fly ash can be classified according to the type of coal from which the ash was derived.

Does fly ash absorb water?

Percentage of water absorption in both fly ash and wood ash replaced cement mortar bricks increases as the percentage of fly ash and wood as content varies from 10 to 50%. It is also absorbed that fly ash replaced cement brick has less water absorption compared to the wood ash replaced bricks.

Is fly ash a chemical?

Chemistry. Fly ash consists primarily of oxides of silicon, aluminum iron and calcium. When used as a mineral admixture in concrete, fly ash is classified as either Class C or Class F ash based on its chemical composition.

Is fly ash hazardous?

Fly ash particles (a major component of coal ash) can become lodged in the deepest part of your lungs, where they trigger asthma, inflammation and immunological reactions. Studies link these particulates to the four leading causes of death in the U.S.: heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and stroke.

Can you die from inhaling ash?

Breathing coal ash dust can trigger asthma attacks, lead to cancer and lung disease and other serious health problems according to a new report released today by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Earthjustice. “Breathing toxic coal ash dust can lead to disease and even death,” said Dr.

What is problem of ash disposal?

One of the major concerns with fly ash disposal is the leaching of heavy metals to. underground water sources; arsenic, antimony, lead, cadmium and other toxic. metals may be contained within the waste, as shown by the average composition.

How does fly ash affect humans?

Inhalation or ingestion of the toxins in fly ash can have impacts on the nervous system, causing cognitive defects, developmental delays, and behavioral problems while also increasing a person’s chance of developing lung disease, kidney disease, and gastrointestinal illness.

How dangerous is coal ash?

Coal Ash Is a Hazardous Waste. Coal ash, the toxic remains of coal burning in power plants, is full of chemicals that cause cancer, developmental disorders and reproductive problems. It poisons our water and kills fish and wildlife.

Is coal ash and fly ash the same thing?

During coal combustion, large amounts of ash are created along with carbon dioxide and other gases. The fine particle ash that rises up with the flue gases is known as fly or flue ash while the heavier ash that does not rise is called bottom ash; collectively these are known as coal ash.

What causes fly ash?

Fly ash is a particulate material produced from the combustion of coal in thermal power plants. Huge production of fly ash is leading to its disposal problems and hence methods are being studied for its use/disposal.

How do you collect fly ash?

Fly ash material solidifies while suspended in the exhaust gases and is collected by electrostatic precipitators or filter bags. Since the particles solidify rapidly while suspended in the exhaust gases, fly ash particles are generally spherical in shape and range in size from 0.5 µm to 300 µm.

Does fly ash weaken concrete?

Concrete is susceptible to damage from freeze/thaw cycles if it does not contain air. Fly ash reduces the amount of air entrainment, and concrete mixtures high in fly ash often require more air-entraining admixture.

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