Is an expander really necessary?
Sometimes the upper posterior teeth are tipped inward and the arch wires in braces can tip them outward, which will make the upper jaw wider without the need for an expander. However, in cases where we really need to widen the upper arch, it is best done with an expander—especially for growing children ages five to 15.
What happens if you don’t get a palate expander?
If your child does not have a crossbite, the amount of expansion that can be done is limited. This is due to the fact that the lower jaw cannot be expanded and therefore, the upper jaw can only be expanded slightly. Additionally, the upper jaw will likely shrink and go back to its original width a few years later.
How long do you have to wear expanders?
Typically, an expander will be in place for about 9 months total time. This may vary from child to child depending on his or her needs.
Is an expander worse than braces?
While palate expanders create more space and adjust issues and habits, braces are for correcting the placement of the teeth. This is why the teeth are able to move, albeit, very slowly. They will not hurt to have installed into your mouth, but you can expect to feel some discomfort and soreness in the following days.
Can you eat pizza with an expander?
Do not eat hard or sticky foods; they can cause the expander to become loose or fall out which means you will have to wear your expander longer. Please call us right away if this happens!
Can I eat cereal with expanders?
However, brackets can be dislodged, wires can be bent or broken, and expanders can be loosened or pulled off, after eating certain foods. To protect your braces and expanders, avoid HARD, STICKY, CHEWY, and CRUNCHY foods.
What can’t you eat with expanders?
Include lots of fruits and vegetables, along with meat, milk and whole grain bread. Do not eat sticky or chewy foods such as gum, taffy, caramels or licorice. Do not eat hard foods like ice, nuts or popcorn.
Is it hard to eat with an expander in?
At first, eating will be more difficult; take small bites & eat soft foods until this is overcome (usually a few days to a week). After that, you should be able to eat almost everything you did before with some exceptions (see No-No Food List). You will notice several things as the expander does its job.
Does palate expander break your bone?
Precisely, a palate expander breaks the upper mouth’s bone. No matter how scary does it sound, it is true. An expander’s job is to separate the upper bone’s cartilage and the jawbone to increase the size of the mouth. The palate is the roof of the mouth that can enlarge with the help of a palate expander.
Can you eat peanut butter with an expander?
Avoid hard foods such as: Crunchy peanut butter. Ice. Thick pretzels. Pizza crust.
Can I eat rice cake with braces?
The good news is tons of great food can be eaten safely with braces. Some examples: Proteins – hamburgers, boneless poultry, seafood, cooked beans, hummus. Breads and grains – waffles, muffins, sandwich bread, soft tortillas, cake, cookies, rice, pasta, cooked cereals, quinoa, cake.
What happens if you turn your expander too much?
Does a palatal expander hurt? No, it doesn’t hurt. After the expander is turned you may feel pressure in the area of the teeth, and tingling around the bridge of the nose or under your eyes. The sensation generally lasts for about 5 minutes and then dissipates.